40+ программ для разработчиков и программистов

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О чем должен знать современный программист? Во-первых, ему нужно изучить основной для работы язык программирования, а во-вторых — постоянно апгрейдить навыки, изучая перспективные технологии и сложные языки.

Начнём с малых 🙂 Зачем детям сидеть за скучными книжками, если можно учиться играючи? Мало того, они смогут программировать свои игры и персонажей. Возможно, именно ваш ребёнок создаст гейм-шедевр.
Learn Java
Android | iOS
Бесплатное приложение для Android и iOS, где вы найдете более 150 уроков в рамках курса обучению Java.

У вас есть возможность учиться всем языкам программирования в удобном приложении и на всех популярных платформах. За $25/мес. вы получите доступ ко всем обучающим курсам Lynda.
Lynda — это одна из самых крупных образовательных платформ от LinkedIn, специализирующаяся на изучении дизайна, языков программирования и улучшении скиллов web-разработки.

В вас живет дух соревнования? Попробуйте это приложение! Здесь вы сможете сражаться и соревноваться с другими участниками в мастерстве программирования. В CodeWars вы найдете все самые популярные языки программирования, поэтому участвовать в челленджах сможет каждый.

Интерактивный учебник программирования, в котором вы найдёте более 35 языков программирования, огромное количество фреймворков.. Здесь есть тест способностей и полноценная система наград.
Рекомендуем скачать это приложение для Android каждому, кто хочет изучить программирование с нуля.
SoloLearn: учимся программировать
Android | iOS
Их слоган: «Свежий контент каждый день» полностью оправдан. В приложении можно ознакомиться с востребованными и популярными языками программирования, алгоритмами, машинным обучением.
Programming Hub. Learn to code
Android | iOS

Еще одно приложение, которое обучит вас программированию. Здесь есть всё: курсы, тестирование, примеры, компилятор. Учитесь и практикуйтесь в одном месте. В приложении есть все популярные языки программирования: Java, C, C++, HTML, JS, Python.
Хотите программировать для iOS? Установите Swift 4: как уже понятно из названия, он учит языку программирования Swift, что используется в macOS, iOS, watchOS и tvOS продукции.

Крутейшее приложение, которое научит вас программировать на языке Swift. Учитесь программированию на практических примерах прямо на iPad.
Приложение, которое в игровой форме позволяет начинающим программистам схлестнуться в состязании и понять, кто же их них лучше кодит.
P. S.: создано для детей, но ограничений по возрасту нет. Главное, чтобы пользователь хотел учиться программированию.
Как вы уже поняли, лучший способ заинтересовать ребенка IT — превращать процесс обучения в игру. Lightbot представляет собой настоящую головоломку с уклоном в программирование.
Цель игры: заставить робота подсветить все плитки на решетке. И это нужно сделать за один подход, иначе всё придётся делать заново. Игра для обучения программированию познакомит с базовыми понятиями. Идеальный выбор для мальчиков и девочек от 6 до 106 лет.
Ресурс, на котором вы найдете тысячи текстов, видео и руководства от настоящих IT-гуру.
Android | iOS

Хотите почувствовать себя настоящим самураем? Приложение Codemurai обучит программированию в основных языках. Кроме этого, вы разберетесь в объектно-ориентированном программировании и узнаете много захватывающих малоизвестных фишек от настоящих гуру своего дела.
Encode: Learn to Code
Android | iOS
Интересна сфера программирования, но не хватает времени для обучения из-за основной работы? Разработчики сделали процесс обучения максимально простым в понимании, не требующим усилий для изучения. С помощью Learn to code вы начнёте кодить на Java, Python, HTML и CSS с нуля.
Научитесь программировать в HTML5 и CSS, не отрываясь от своего телефона. Приложение для Android с чистым интерфейсом подходит даже для тех, у кого нулевой опытом в кодинге.
Эта подборка с полезными материалами для программирования поможет вам стать лучше уже сегодня.

Ищете курсы, которые научат вас программировать? Мы собрали лучшие мобильные приложения, с которыми учиться можно даже в дороге.
Вряд ли найдется человек, который еще не слышал об этом удобном приложении для iPad. Если вы ищете программы, которые быстро научат вас программировать на языке Swift – Swift Playgrounds окажется настоящей находкой. Интуитивно понятная затягивающая игра с качественной анимацией в деталях «расскажет» о том, как именно работает Swift. Нет, вы не станете с этим приложением профи, но отлично поймете азы и сможете быстро перейти к более серьезной практике своих навыков.
Для любителей веб-разработки, а также Python и Ruby. Это приложение соединило в себе обучающие программы по работе с Python, Ruby, JS, HTML и CSS. Доступно в App Store и скоро появится в Google Play, так что ограничений касаемо мобильной ОС (Android или iOS) здесь не предусмотрено. Начинается все с базиса, после чего программа переходит к более сложным и комплексным темам. Также подойдет в качестве материала для повторения: присутствуют вопросы в тестовой форме, которые не дадут забыть основные термины и инструменты.
Удобное интерактивное пособие, одно из тех, которые действительно научат вас программировать. Основы ООП, ЯП Java, базовые понятия, которые станут надежной отправной точкой в мире программирования. Все это заключено в более чем 150 уроках. Приложение доступно для Android-устройств. Скачать его можно в Google Play.
Название говорит само за себя. Это еще одно iOS-приложение, разработанное специально для «мобильного» осваивания Swift. Все очень удобно и интуитивно понятно, как и сам «яблочный» язык программирования. Вы можете освоить с приложением азы или повторить уже пройденный материал для закрепления знаний.
Интерактивный учебник интернет-технологий, собравший в себе свыше 35 языков программирования (функц., ООП), множество фреймворков, 19 языков для удобного отображения учебного материала и многое другое. Есть тест способностей и система наград. В целом наличествует платный контент и реклама (+ опция удаления рекламы). Но рейтинг приложения «Научиться программированию» на Google Play приличный, так что цель оправдывает средства. Тем более, такое огромное количество языков в одной программе – это настоящий клондайк для любого программиста.
Качественное приложение, в котором есть тесты, видео и инструкции от ведущих разработчиков таких именитых IT-компаний, как Facebook, Google, etc. Представленные в Udacity курсы бесплатные и доступны для владельцев «яблочных» и Android-устройств. Программу можно найти в iTunes и Google Play соответственно.
Слоган – «Свежий контент каждый день». В приложении можно ознакомиться с веб-разработкой (JS, HTML, CSS, Jquery, PHP), Java, Python, C, C++, Ruby, Swift, SQL, алгоритмами/структурами данных, машинным обучением и т. д. По сути, это целый набор приложений, которые научат вас программировать посредством специально разработанных для этого игр. Как уже можно догадаться по наличию в перечне ЯП Swift, программа доступна как для Android-, так и для iOS-девайсов. Ссылки для скачивания на Google Play и iTunes.
Бесплатные онлайн-курсы от лучших учебных заведений. Здесь собраны материалы от специалистов из Гарвардского университета, Массачусетского технологического института, компаний Microsoft, Linux, etc. Да, курсы затрагивают не только IT. Но и материалов по информационным технологиям (в т. ч., по программированию) – море. Достаточно скачать приложение с Google Play или iTunes и установить на свое мобильное устройство.
Еще одно приложение с большим набором языков программирования. Также есть реклама и платный контент, но в целом это очень удобный набор обучающих инструментов: здесь и курсы, и примеры, и компилятор. Все необходимое под рукой. Поддерживаются Java, C, C++, HTML, JS, R, CSS, Python и многое другое.
Завершает нашу подборку Tynker – приложение для детей, которое также доступно для iOS-устройств. Одна из самых популярных платформ, которая используется в 8000 школах по всему миру. Если вы хотите помочь ребенку развить навыки программирования, Tynker – именно то приложение, которые вам нужно.
Также предлагаем вашему вниманию подборку обучающих игр для детей.
Да, заявлять, что все эти приложения научат вас программировать, возможно, слишком многообещающе, но если вы будете уделять хотя бы по 15-20 минут в день работе с перечисленными программами, ваши навыки заметно улучшатся. Удачи!
Уважаемые пользователи, хотим Вас проинформировать о том, что некоторые антивирусные программы и браузеры ложно срабатывают на дистрибутив программы MediaGet, считая его зараженным. Данный софт не содержит никаких вредоносных программ и вирусов и многие из антивирусов просто Вас предупреждают, что это загрузчик (Downloader). Если хотите избежать подобных проблем, просто добавьте MediaGet в список доверенных программ Вашей антивирусной программы или браузера.
Как скачать

Выбрав нужную версию программы и кликнув ссылку, Вам на компьютер скачивается дистрибутив приложения MediaGet, который будет находиться в папке «Загрузки» для Вашего браузера. Находим этот файл с именем программы и запускаем его. И видим первый этап установки. Нажимаем унопку «Далее»

Далее Вам предлагается прочитать и одобрить лицензионное соглашение. Нажимаем кнопку «Принимаю»

В следующем окне Вам предлагается бесплатное полезное дополнительное программоное обеспечение, будь то антивирус или бразуер. Нажимаем кнопку «Принимаю». Также Вы можете отказаться от установки дополнительного ПО, нажав кнопку «Отклоняю»

Далее происходит процесс установки программы. Вам нужно выбрать папку, в которую будут скачиваться нужные Вам файлы.

Происходит завершение установки. Программа автоматически открывается и скачивает нужные Вам исходные файлы.
Как установить
Распаковать скачанный архив с помощью стандартных программ WinRar или 7-Zip.2
Если файл представлен в виде образа с расширением .iso его можно открыть с помощью бесплатной программы Daemon tools lite или Nero3
После извлечение установочных файлов, найти и запустить исполняющий файл программы, который как правило имеет расширение .exe4
Действовать согласно дальнейших подсказок программы установщика и не прерывать процесс установки программы некорректным способом.Обратите внимание, что предоставляемое программное обеспечение выкладывается исключительно для личного использования и ознакомления. Все файлы, доступные для скачивания, не содержат вирусов и вредоносных программ.
Выбираем название приложения, домен компании, путь к проекту и название пакета. Указываем, включить ли поддержку опциональных языков программирования C++ и Kotlin.
Задаём одну или несколько целевых платформ для сборки. Для этого используется SDK и AVD, менеджер виртуальных устройств Android. Инструмент позволяет устанавливать в SDK пакеты, которые поддерживают несколько версий ОС Android и несколько уровней API (интерфейсов программирования приложений).
Чем ниже версия Android, тем больше устройств, на которых приложение запустится. Чем выше версия, тем богаче функциональность API.
Выбираем основную активность, которая будет запускаться при нажатии на иконку приложения, и даём ей имя.

После нескольких минут сборки Android Studio открывает интерфейс IDE. Здесь три основных момента.
Если выбрать в выпадающем меню вид Android, то вы увидите файлы проекта. Например, наша основная активность называется app > java > ru.skillbox.skillboxapp > FullscreenActivity. При создании проекта мы указали вместо активности Main полноэкранную активность.

Далее можно посмотреть файл app > res > layout > activity_fullscreen.xml. Это XML-файл с макетом для UI нашей основной активности.

Наконец, третий важный файл app > manifests > AndroidManifest.xml описывает фундаментальные характеристики приложения и определяет все его компоненты.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
<action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
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- Фото и видео
Написание музыки в наше время стало гораздо более простым занятием, чем 20 лет назад. Сегодня, не обязательно иметь дорогостоящие инструменты и специальное образование. Всё что вам нужно для создания хита – это персональный компьютер и большая тяга к творчеству.
Как делать качественную музыку
Как вы понимаете, знаменитые мелодии попали в свет благодаря опытным музыкантам, посвятившим много времени практике и совершенствованию своего стиля. Талант составляет всего 10% успеха, остальные 90% отданы старанию. Поэтому прежде чем начать свой тернистый путь по нотам, ответьте на вопрос.
Почему вы решили заниматься созданием музыки?
Для одних написание музыки это большие деньги, другие хотят произвести впечатление на противоположный пол, третьи стать популярными DJ и выделиться из общей массы. Все желания хороши, но для их воплощения есть одно единственное условие. Вы должны жить и дышать музыкой, любить ноты и ценить хороший ритм. Если вы вдохновляетесь звуками, значит такая работа принесет вам только радость, наполнив вашу жизнь самыми позитивными эмоциями.
С помощью современных программ и капельки таланта, можно создавать по истине потрясающие композиции.
Какую программу выбрать
На сегодняшний день существует огромное множество программ для создания музыки. Все они хороши по своему, и определиться с выбором в таком обилии бывает сложновато.
Чтобы сохранить время наших гостей, мы собрали лучшие инструменты для создания музыки в единый каталог, где каждый желающий может быстро выбрать и бесплатно скачать любую программу через торрент или файлообменные сервисы (Яндекс.Диск и MEGA). Каждому материалу было добавлено понятное описание, рейтинг, скриншоты и видеоуроки. Выбор программы для компьютера ещё никогда не был настолько удобным.
Раскройте свой творческий потенциал и подарите миру немного счастья в прекрасных музыкальных ритмах.
90000 12 Best Animation Software for Beginners (Premium, Free, and Online) 90001 90002 Investigating which are the best animation software for beginners? Check out this selection of animation software including some of the most popular and preferred products on the market, as well as lesser known but still very good animation tools available today. 90003 90002 In this post about best animation software for beginners, you will find premium, free and open source products, as well as online tools for animating.No matter if you are just making your first steps in animating, search for an alternative to the software you are using right now or want to experiment with a completely different type of animation (eg traditional frame-by-frame, Flash-style animations, stop motions, 2D and 3D animations, etc.), this post will help you sort out your options. Let’s begin! 90003 90006 Premium animation software for beginners … Who aim big! 90007 90002 A selection of the best animation software available on the market right now and preferred by all levels of users.These products are armed with rich arrays of functions and tools that will allow you to create powerful animation projects. Each of these software products come with subscription plans or as one-time purchases with free trials or free versions included. If you are a complete beginner, do not worry — all of these programs come with tons of tutorials to start with! 90003 90002 90003 90012 1. Adobe Character Animator 90013 90014 Animate in real-time. Really. 90015 90002 90017 90018 90019 Being one of the newest additions in Adobe family, Adobe Character Animator is a powerful tool which allows you to animate cartoon characters in real time very easily and fast.The software works very simply. You plug in your mic and cam. Then import a character specifically prepared for animation in Adobe Character Animator (called a puppet). The program detects your facial expressions and voice in order to animate the character’s face. By using pre-defined triggers and functions, you make the character walk, make gestures, hold objects, and more. 90003 90021 Features: 90022 90023 90024 automatic lipsyncing and animation of facial features like mouth, eyes, eyebrows; 90025 90024 support of real-time animation and live streaming; 90025 90024 in-app template puppets; 90025 90024 streamline recording and editing; 90025 90024 scene snapshots which act like onion-skinning; 90025 90024 walk cycles, behaviors, breathing, blinking and other animation options; 90025 90024 replays, magnets, and more functions.90025 90024 Perfect for online education, game streaming, live chat and more. 90025 90040 90021 Pricing plans: 90022 90023 90024 Free trial — 7 days 90025 90024 Creative Cloud All Apps — $ 52.99 / month billed annually 90025 90024 Students and teachers — $ 19.99 / month billed annually 90025 90024 Business — from $ 33.99 / month billed annually 90025 90040 90002 If you are interested in the software, check out these 10 Tutorials to Learn Adobe Character Animator. And if you are ready to go with the software — grab these free Character Animator Puppets.90003 90002 90003 90002 Do you know, that 90058 you can use the software for free 90059? Use our code and get Character Animator Performer Mode * for free: Free Adobe Character Animator Performer Mode — Exclusively for GraphicMama Fans 90003 90002 90062 * Performer mode is a free version of Adobe Character Animator, with some limitations: you can only use the record and streaming features, but can not create your own puppets. 90063 90003 90002 90003 90012 2. Cartoon Animator 4 (formerly CrazyTalk Animator 3) 90013 90014 Professional 2D creativity and animation design 90015 90002 90072 90018 90003 90002 Cartoon Animator 4 is software for all levels of users — suitable for beginners as well as professionals who want to create engaging high-quality animations.90003 90002 The software allows you to create custom 2D characters, choose characters from the huge database, and import PSD character templates. You can easily make any static image move by applying different motion templates provided in the library, even 3D motions. 90003 90002 The software also comes with a bone rigging tool, supports audio lip-syncing, facial detection, and many more simple and advanced features, depending on the edition you are using. Pretty much, Cartoon Animator 4 allows you to have full control over your 2D characters and create a professional animation.90003 90021 Features: 90022 90023 90024 4K video support; 90025 90024 library of pre-made character templates and motion templates; 90025 90024 tools for creating 2D characters including rigging and bone tools; 90025 90024 tools for animating characters including elastic and bouncy curve editing, facial free form deformation, audio lip-syncing; 90025 90024 tools for creating talking heads and employing them on any character; 90025 90024 easy to import PSD files as character templates, and export to PSD for graphic editing; 90025 90024 live facial motion capture — from any angle; 90025 90024 head driven body movements; 90025 90024 up to 360 degrees head turning; 90025 90024 supports many popular image and video formats; 90025 90024 plus many more advanced animation features.90025 90040 90021 Pricing: 90022 90023 90024 Pro Edition — $ 99 90025 90024 Pipeline Edition — $ 199 90025 90024 Special bundle discounts 90025 90024 Free trial — 30 days 90025 90040 90012 3. Stop Motion Studio 90013 90014 Stop-motion animation software for beginners 90015 90002 90124 90018 90003 90002 An app perfect for beginners in video making. Stop Motion Studio will help you create amazing 4K stop-motion animations that can easily be mixed with 2D style drawings painted directly onto the image.90003 90002 With the frame-by-frame editor enriched with super handy features, you have a powerful and affordable app for your device. Stop Motion Studio can be installed on iPhone, iPad, macOS, Android, and Windows, and you can easily open the same project on different devices. 90003 90021 Features: 90022 90023 90024 4K ultra HD videos; 90025 90024 runs on iPhone, iPad, macOS, Android, and Windows; 90025 90024 manual or automatic control of the focus, exposure, ISO, white balance 90025 90024 DSLR camera support; 90025 90024 green screen option and background library; 90025 90024 import of images, audio, video files; 90025 90024 frame-by-frame view and easy editing; 90025 90024 grid and onion skinning options; 90025 90024 connect a remote camera as a second device; 90025 90024 paint tools, sound effects, magic eraser, and more handy tools.90025 90040 90021 Pricing: 90022 90023 90024 for iOS — $ 4.99 90025 90024 for Mac — $ 9.99 90025 90024 for Android — $ 4.99 90025 90024 for Windows — $ 1.99 90025 90040 90012 4. DigiCel FlipBook 90013 90014 Easy to use and powerful enough to create great 2D animations 90015 90002 90172 90018 90003 90002 Considered as one of the easiest 2D animation software on the market, DigiCel FlipBook allows you to create traditional frame-by-frame animation. You can draw directly onto the software or scan your paper drawings — it’s completely up to your personal preferences! The software also allows you to create stop motion animations if that’s the type of animation you are looking for.Boosted with very useful features, DigiCel FlipBook is a powerful and easy-to-understand tool for traditional 2D animation. 90003 90021 Features: 90022 90023 90024 shoot and scan your drawings or draw right into the software; 90025 90024 lipsync support; 90025 90024 work on one or multiple frames at a time; 90025 90024 pan, zoom, rotate, blur, dissolve; 90025 90024 import / export functions, and more; 90025 90024 runs on macOS and Windows. 90025 90040 90021 Pricing: 90022 90023 90024 Free version with a watermark 90025 90024 FlipBook Lite: $ 19.99 * 90025 90024 FlipBook Studio: $ 69.99 * 90025 90024 FlipBook Pro: $ 169.99 * 90025 90024 FlipBook ProHD: $ 199.99 * 90025 90040 90002 * up to 80% off promotional price at the time of writing this article 90003 90012 5. Moho (Anime Studio) Debut & Moho (Anime Studio) Pro 90013 90014 Complete 2D Animation Software 90015 90002 90214 90018 90003 90002 While Moho (Anime Studio) Debut is aimed for beginners, even for kids, it includes powerful features that allow you to realize your vision into an animation.The revolutionary tools are combined with an easy-to-understand interface. Once you get the hang of it, you can try the Pro version which is quite more pricy, in fact, but it comes with powerful features that will help you create professional animations. 90003 90021 Features for the Debut version: 90022 90023 90024 available for Windows and macOS with online or offline activation; 90025 90024 multilingual support: English, Spanish, French, German, Chinese (Simplified), and Japanese; 90025 90024 advanced freehand tools; 90025 90024 advanced bone rigging, plus pin bones; 90025 90024 tablet support with pen pressure support; 90025 90024 animated effects for layers and shapes; 90025 90024 easy to edit and animate brushes; 90025 90024 support for images and layered PSD; 90025 90024 keyframe options: additive cycle, stagger, bounce, elastic; 90025 90024 advanced masking options, auto freeze tool and more.90025 90040 90021 Pricing: 90022 90023 90024 $ 69.99 90025 90024 Free trial: 30 days. 90025 90040 90021 Features for the Pro version: 90022 90023 90024 all features included in the Debut version; 90025 90024 advanced bone rigging system, plus Physics engine, Dynamic bones, and Smart bones to control complex movements; 90025 90024 smart wrap for images and vectors; 90025 90024 frame by frame capabilities; 90025 90024 vector tools with bezier handles, plus accurate SVG, AI, and EPS import; 90025 90024 4k video export, vector export; 90025 90024 realistic motion blur; 90025 90024 easy control of multiple layers and channels, and even more.90025 90040 90021 Pricing: 90022 90023 90024 $ 399.99 90025 90024 Free trial: 30 days. 90025 90040 90012 6. Toon Boom Harmony 90013 90014 The most powerful software for animation production. 90015 90002 90284 90018 90019 Professional software for animation used by beginners as well as very experienced animators. Toon Boom Harmony is a product with which you can create any kind of animation, be it traditional drawn animation, Flash-style cut-out animation, particle effects, a combination of 2D and 3D animations, and more.The popular software offers advanced tools and features for drawing, rigging, animation and pretty much, all that is required from animation software. 90003 90021 Features: 90022 90023 90024 runs on Windows and macOS; 90025 90024 advanced vector / bitmap drawing technology; 90025 90024 advanced palettes and painting tools providing effective control over texture and color; 90025 90024 a toolset for traditional frame-by-frame animation; 90025 90024 integrating 3D elements with 2D characters; 90025 90024 special effects including volume and lighting effects to characters with auto toning; 90025 90024 different camera angles and control over the composition; 90025 90024 cut-out animation with master controllers; 90025 90024 integration with other software: multilayer PSD and PSB files, Illustrator, PDF, bitmaps, audio; 90025 90024 easy export to game engines.90025 90040 90021 Pricing: 90022 90023 90024 Harmony Essentials: EUR € 400 / purchase or EUR € 16 / month (when billed annually) 90025 90024 Harmony Advanced: EUR € 1,030 / purchase or EUR € 41 / month (when billed annually) 90025 90024 Harmony Premium: EUR € 2.085 / purchase or EUR € 78 / month (when billed annually) 90025 90024 Free trial: 21 days. 90025 90040 90006 Open-source & Free animation software … To test the waters! 90007 90002 A selection of free animation software for beginners and not only! These completely free software products allow coding gurus from around the globe to contribute and enrich them with even more powerful features.The listed software options are some of the best ones to start learning animating. The suggestions include software for 3D animation, software for traditional 2D frame-by-frame animation, as well as software for Flash-style animations. 90003 90012 7. Blender 90013 90014 Open Source 3D creation. Free to use for any purpose. 90015 90002 90333 90018 90003 90002 Blender is a cross-platform free 3D creation suite offering a powerful arsenal of tools. By using Blender, you can create animations, video games, renders, models, and more 3D based projects.The software is open source and developed by many contributors from around the world. The feature-rich 3D suite software is suitable for beginners, as well as advanced users. 90003 90021 Features: 90022 90023 90024 available for Windows, macOS, and Linux; 90025 90024 a built-in path-tracer engine that includes a real-time viewport preview, CPU & GPU rendering, PBR shaders & HDR lighting support, VR rendering support; 90025 90024 advanced modeling, sculpting, and UV tools; 90025 90024 advanced rigging and animation tools; 90025 90024 powerful visual effects: auto and manual tracking, camera reconstruction, real-time preview of your tracked footage and 3D scene, and more; 90025 90024 drawing in 2D mode оnto the 3D viewport; 90025 90024 full animation support including onion skinning, layers and colors for stroke and fill, sculpt brush strokes, and more; 90025 90040 90012 8.Pencil2D 90013 90014 Light and easy to use tool for 2D hand-drawn animations 90015 90002 90361 90018 90003 90002 If you are into traditional hand-drawn animation, then maybe Pencil 2D is a great software to start your animation project. This free software lets you use both raster and vector graphics and you can switch easily between the two types of artwork. Pencil 2D is a cross-platform tool and lets you focus on animating even when you are on the go. Since the software is completely free and open source, users can have access to the source code and add features.90003 90021 Features: 90022 90023 90024 runs on Windows, Mac OSX, Linux & Free BSD 90025 90024 supports raster and vector images; 90025 90024 includes various handy tools; 90025 90024 includes distortion and light effects; 90025 90024 import / export as a GIF is available; 90025 90040 90012 9. Synfig Studio 90013 90014 Open-source 2D animation software 90015 90002 90385 90018 90003 90002 Very easy for those of you who have worked with Flash and are looking for a similar animation software instead of a frame-by-frame animation software.Synfig is based on vectors and allows you full control on editing the vector artwork in the animation. You also have advanced control on your characters, as well as the option to create character puppets. 90003 90002 Luckily, Synfig is 100% free and you can use it on Windows, Linux, and Mac. Since the software is open-source, you also have the option to access the source code. 90003 90021 Features: 90022 90023 90024 full-control vector editing which allows automatic calculation of frames; 90025 90024 a variety of over 50 layer types including geometric, gradients, filters, distortions, transformations, etc.; 90025 90024 control over your character by using a bone system and complex deformations; 90025 90024 advanced controls for creating character puppets and other dynamic structures. 90025 90040 90006 Online video animation tools … To create videos in seconds! 90007 90002 Maybe becoming a professional animator is not a part of your plan and you just want to create quick animations, let’s say, for your brand. There are many great tools available on the web that will help you realize your ideas.90003 90012 10. Animaker 90013 90014 World’s largest animated library 90015 90002 90413 90018 90003 90002 Animaker is an online tool for animation that offers plans for all kinds of users — from beginners to enterprises. Each version comes loaded with features and assets to help users create amazing animated videos in a diversity of styles. With Animaker, you can create 2D and 2.5D videos, animated infographic videos, handcraft videos, whiteboard videos, typography animations, and more.90003 90021 Features: 90022 90023 90024 6 styles of videos: 2D, 2.5D, infographics, handcraft, whiteboard, typography; 90025 90024 horizontal and vertical video layouts; 90025 90024 full HD video support; 90025 90024 animated infographic maker with over 100 charts 1000 icons, and 3000 maps; 90025 90024 advanced features for animation such as record, multimove, curve, camera in and out, transition effects, enter / exit effects; 90025 90024 a deck feature allowing you to use the animation as a video or an animated presentation; 90025 90024 audio features: text-to-speech, background music tracks, sound effects, voice recording, plus the option to import your custom sounds; 90025 90024 a library of pre-designed templates.90025 90040 90021 Pricing plans: 90022 90023 90024 Free 90025 90024 Personal — $ 12 per month billed annually 90025 90024 Startup — $ 19 per month billed annually 90025 90024 Business — $ 39 per month billed annually 90025 90024 Enterprise — $ 99 per month billed annually 90025 90040 90012 11. Vyond 90013 90014 The easiest way to create 90058 professional animated videos. 90059 90015 90002 90459 90018 90003 90002 Vyond Studio offers an online animation making tool suitable for people of all skill levels to make great professional animations including explainer videos, whiteboard videos, and more kinds of animated videos.Enriched with handy features, this online tool for video animation allows you to build animations based on characters, make engaging data visualizations, and more. 90003 90021 Features: 90022 90023 90024 a convenient drag-and-drop tool; 90025 90024 a rich library with pre-built templates and assets; 90025 90024 import images and MP4s; 90025 90024 an array of enter and exit effects for static images; 90025 90024 automatic lip syncing; 90025 90024 a library of characters available for full customization; 90025 90024 camera tool — pan zooms and camera angles; 90025 90024 team collaboration.90025 90040 90021 Pricing plans: 90022 90023 90024 Free trial — 14 days 90025 90024 Personal — US $ 49 / month or US $ 299 / year 90025 90024 Business — US $ 89 / month or US $ 649 / year 90025 90024 Enterprise — US $ 159 / month or US $ 999 / year 90025 90040 90012 12. Moovly 90013 90002 90499 90018 90003 90002 A cool online tool for creating animated videos for different purposes: social media, advertising, explainer videos, whiteboard videos, presentations, and more.The tool is perfect for users of all levels, as well as big and small businesses. Easy to work with, Moovly provides a library of templates, as well as images, video, and audio files to choose from. 90003 90021 Features: 90022 90023 90024 user-friendly drag and drop interface; 90025 90024 a library of templates, images, video clips, and sound files; 90025 90024 upload your own media easily 90025 90024 download and sharing options 90025 90040 90021 Pricing plans: 90022 90023 90024 Free 90025 90024 Pro — $ 24.92 / month billed annually 90025 90024 Enterprise — custom pricing 90025 90040 90012 Bonus software: Wideo 90013 90014 Online animation software for all levels of users 90015 90002 90531 90018 90003 90002 A great online tool for animation that does not require any previous experience in animating. With Wideo, you can create animated videos for different purposes: explainer videos, data videos, promotional videos, animated presentations, videos for e-commerce, business, real estate, and more.90003 90002 To help you get started easily, the guys from Wideo have provided very useful lessons for beginners that explain the basics of working with the tool. 90003 90021 Features: 90022 90023 90024 HD and full HD support; 90025 90024 a library of scene templates suitable for videos for all kinds for purposes; 90025 90024 a library of graphic assets; 90025 90024 music soundtracks; 90025 90024 video length and storage capacity depending on your plan; 90025 90024 YouTube upload, and more.90025 90040 90021 Pricing plans: 90022 90023 90024 Free trial — 7 days 90025 90024 Basic — $ 19 / month billed annually 90025 90024 Pro — $ 39 / month billed annually 90025 90024 Enterprise — $ 79 / month billed annually 90025 90040 90002 90003 90012 Ready to make your first video animation? 90013 90002 We hope we’ve been helpful with this selection of animation software for beginners. The good thing is, all software products offer free versions or free trials. So, you will be able to try before you buy.90003 90002 Have a favorite animation software for beginners that’s not listed on this page? It would be awesome if you share it with us in the Comments below. 90003 .90000 21 Websites to Learn Programming for Free 90001 90002 90003 90004 @javinpaul 90005 Javin Paul 90006 90007 90008 I am Java programmer, blogger on http://javarevisited.blogspot.com and http://java67.com 90009 90010 A curated list of websites to learn to code, Programming, Java, Python, SQL, Git, and Ruby on Rails. 90011 90002 90008 Hello there, if you are someone who is learning programming and coding by yourself and looking for some awesome resources then you have come to the right place.In this article, I am going to share 21 websites you can use to learn the code for free from the comfort of your office and home. 90009 90015 90016 90017 freecodecamp.org 90018 90019 90020 90008 This is one of the most awesome community websites which will help you to learn to code for free, build real-world projects and get a job as a developer. 90009 90008 It has a massive collection of interactive tutorials and exercises to learn JavaScript, Data Structure and Algorithms, Frontend Development and so on.90009 90008 Founded by Quincy Larson, this is a really awesome place to start your coding journey. They even have a big Facebook group (freecodecampearth) where you can ask questions and share your learning experience. 90009 90008 90017 2. 90018 90017 Coursera 90018 90009 90008 This is another awesome website to learn online. It ‘founded by Stanford professors Andrew Ng and Daphne Koller and it offers courses, specializations, and online degrees. 90009 90008 The best part of Coursera is that it offers online courses from Universities like Stanford, University of London, University of Michigan, Colorado, Imperial College of London and many more.90009 90008 It provides both free and paid online courses and specialization. Some of my favorite free programming courses from Coursera are: 90009 90015 90016 90017 Algorithms Part I and Part 2 by Robert Sedgewic 90018 k (link) 90019 90016 90017 Machine Learning by Andrew Ng 90018 (link) 90019 90016 90017 Python for Everybody 90018 (link ) 90019 90020 90008 Coursera also provides you Certification, which you can showcase in your Linkedin profile, but you need to pay for it. 90009 90008 90017 3.90018 90017 udemy.com 90018 90009 90008 One of the best place for online learning. you will get online courses in all the latest technology and programming language like Java, Spring, Data Structure and Algorithms, Selenium, REST, etc. It provides both free and paid resources. 90009 90008 Here is a couple of useful free course to learn some of the interesting technologies: 90009 90015 90016 90017 Java Tutorial for Complete Beginners 90018 (link) 90019 90016 90017 Easy to Advanced Data Structures 90018 (link) 90019 90016 90017 Introduction To Python Programming 90018 (link) 90019 90016 90017 Advanced and Object-Oriented JavaScript and ES6 90018 (link) 90019 90020 90008 The paid resources are also very cheap and you can purchase on just $ 9.99 during their flash sale, which happens quite often. It’s full of some of the great teachers like Colt Steele, Rob Percival, Stephen Grider, Josh Portilla, John Purcell, etc. 90009 90008 90017 4. 90018 90017 plurasight.com 90018 90009 90008 One of the best website to learn any technology or IT courses like programming language like Java, Web development framework like Spring Framework, Hibernate, etc. 90009 90008 It’s also now acquired CodeSchool which earlier allows you to learn web technologies by doing it.I use this website to learn a lot of cool stuff in no time. 90009 90008 90017 5. 90018 90017 try.github.io 90018 90009 90008 A fantastic website to learn Git in 15 minutes. The best part of this website is that it is a meta website which means it contains some of the most useful resources to learn Git online like 90017 90018 90017 Learn Git branching 90018 which will teach you Git commands right from your web browser. 90009 90008 It will not only help you to understand basic git commands but challenging git concepts like a branch, merge, revert, cherry-pick, rebase, etc.90009 90008 There is another awesome resource, 90017 90018 90017 Visualizing Git 90018 which will help you explore how Git commands affect the structure of a repository within your web browser with a free explore mode, and some constructed scenarios. 90009 90008 90017 6. 90018 90017 onemonth.com 90018 90009 90008 Learn to code and build web applications in one month. This is not exactly a free website though, you need to buy a bootcamp style course. 90009 90008 The site has courses to learn Python, Ruby, and JavaScript in 30 days and they teach in a bootcamp style which makes it a very effective learning place.90009 90008 Btw, they have a free trial! and a handful of free courses like the Command Line course and they also have free Learn to Code with One Month Podcast coming soon 90009 90008 90017 7. 90018 90017 codecademy.com 90018 90009 90008 Interactive tutorials to learn some of the most popular technologies like JavaScript , Java, Linux for free. It also has some paid courses to learn advanced concepts on Python, Java, and JavaScript. 90009 90008 Btw, this is one of the first websites which brought interactive learning into the picture.It’s JavaScript course is probably the most popular course to learn JavaScirpt online. 90009 90008 90017 8. 90018 90017 codingbat.com 90018 90009 90008 Another good site to learn to code contains a lot of free programming exercise to build the coding sense in both Python and Java. 90009 90008 90017 9. 90018 90017 code.org 90018 90009 90008 The perfect website to start learning coding and basics of computer science. My kids use this website to learn to code by playing with the Minecraft game.90009 90008 90017 10. 90018 90017 code4startup.com 90018 90009 90008 A great website to learn how to code by building real companies and real project by Leo Trieu. 90009 90008 It’s one of the best places to learn Web Development from scratch by building 4 real Online Businesses in 3 Months like Airbnb, Uber, etc. No experience needed. 90009 90008 It also has a lot of free courses like: 90164 1. ReactJS for Newbies in just 1 hour 90164 2. Learn Ruby on Rails, Heroku and Wistia APIs 90009 90008 If you like project-based learning then you will love this site.90009 90008 90017 11. 90018 90017 codeabbey.com 90018 90009 90008 Another awesome website with lots of programming exercises to learn to code and improve your coding skill in any programming languages. 90009 90008 90017 12. 90018 90017 sqlzoo.net 90018 90009 90008 There is no doubt that SQL is one of the must-have skill for any programmer of IT professionals and unfortunately there are very few websites or free courses where you can learn SQL. 90009 90008 This is one the best place to learn SQL for beginners and improve your SQL query skills if you already know fundamentals.90009 90008 It provides interactive SQL tutorials complete with quizzes, perfect to improve your SQL query skills 90009 90008 90017 13. 90018 90017 Git Immersion 90018 90009 90008 This is one of the best websites to learn Git and GitHub, one of the must-have skills for today’s programmers. It provides a guided tour that walks through the fundamentals of Git, inspired by the premise that to know a thing is to do it. 90009 90008 It’s one of the best course to learn Git and written by the late, great Jim Weirich.90009 90008 The aliases suggested in this course can improve your productivity a lot of if you include them in your .bashrc and .gitconfig. 90009 90008 14. 90017 Learn Git branching 90018 90009 90008 Branching and merging are one of the tough concepts to master in any source control tool like SVN, CVS, and it’s not different in Git but not anymore. This interactive website will teach you merging and branching in git like none others. 90009 90008 The «Learn Git Branching» is one of the most visual and interactive ways to learn Git on the internet.There are a lot of challenging exercises with exciting levels, given step-by-step demonstrations of powerful features, and maybe even have a bit of fun along the way. 90009 90008 90017 15. codecombat.com 90018 90009 90008 You can play a game and learn to code in Python and Javascript. One of the best interactive and fun side of learning online. 90009 90008 90017 16. 90018 90017 tryhaskell.org 90018 90009 90008 Learn Haskell with free interactive lessons. 90009 90008 90017 17. railsforzombies.org 90018 90009 90008 Learn Ruby on Rails by watching videos and completing the exercises This is now merged with Pluarlsight. 90009 90008 90017 18. thinkful.com 90018 90009 90008 A different kind of website where you can choose a course and get assigned a mentor. 90009 90008 90017 19. rubymonk.com 90018 90009 90008 Free interactive tutorials to help you discover Ruby idioms in your browser. The site has separate courses for beginner, intermediate, and expert Ruby developers to further hone their knowledge of Ruby programming language.90009 90008 90017 20. tryRuby.org 90018 90009 90008 Another great website to learn Ruby online. This is also now merged with Pluarlsight and you need a membership to access its content. 90009 90008 90017 21. 90018 90017 learnpython.org 90018 90009 90008 A great website to learn the basics of Python. One of the most popular programming languages of this decade which allows you to do a lot of stuff from simply automating trivial stuff to developing websites and now used in Machine learning and Data Science.If you need more reasons to learn Python, see this article. 90009 90255 90008 That’s all about some of the 90017 best website to learn how to code for free 90018. These websites are great resources to learn a programming language like Python and Java, evergreen technology like SQL, operating systems like Linux, Web development frameworks like Ruby On Rails, Functional programming language like Haskel, learn to build a website and several other types of free courses. 90009 90008 Other 90017 Useful Free Resources 90018 for Programmers 90009 90008 Thanks for reading this article so far.If you like this article then please share with your friends on Facebook. If you have any questions or feedback then please drop a note. 90009 90008 If you like this article then please consider following me on medium (javinpaul). if you’d like to be notified for every new post and do not forget to follow 90017 90018 90017 javarevisited 90018 on Twitter! 90009 90010 Related 90011 90010 Tags 90011 90276 90008 Subscribe to get your daily round-up of top tech stories! 90009.90000 76 of The Best Places to Learn to Code For Free 90001 90002 If you’re brand new to the world of coding and web development, it makes sense to start by teaching yourself using all the free learn-to-code resources online. 90003 90002 By taking advantage of these resources as you learn to code for free, you can discover what you like and do not like before investing money into a certain coding language or set of courses. Once you’ve gone through enough free coding lessons to find that direction, you’ll be able to channel your passion to continue learning how to code online most efficiently.90003 90002 However, there are so many free coding resources and classes and books to choose from. How do you know which are the best places to learn coding online? 90003 90002 Well, I did some research to save you the time! Here are 76 of the best websites to learn how to code for free-from simple programming tutorials to full online coding courses. To make things easier, I broke these learn-to-code resources down based on topic. Use the table of contents below to jump around. 90003 90002 Disclosure: I’m a proud affiliate for some of the resources mentioned in this article.If you buy a product through my links on this page, I may get a small commission for referring you. Thanks! 90003 90012 90002 90014 Table of Contents 90015 90003 90002 Please note: all information, topics taught, etc., have been taken at time of updating (March 2020) and are definitely subject to change. Thanks! 90003 90019 Start coding now 90020 90002 Stop waiting and start learning! Get my 10 tips on teaching yourself how to code. 90003 90002 Success! Now check your email to confirm your subscription.90003 90012 90026 General Free Coding Websites & Course Platforms 90027 90019 1. Codecademy 90020 90002 Codecademy is where most people who are new to coding get their start. On their platform, you can learn how to program among other technical skills. Its reputation is well-deserved. Codecademy revolves around interactive learning; that is, you read a little, type your code right into the browser, and see results immediately. 90003 90002 90014 What free coding lessons they offer: 90015 HTML & CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Python, Ruby, Angularjs, The Command Line, and more 90003 90019 2.freeCodeCamp 90020 90002 This free online coding school, created by Quincy Larson, teaches coding first through an established curriculum (approx. 800 hours total), then by giving you hands-on experience working on projects for nonprofits. It’s perfect for learners who want to learn how to code online by getting practical, hands-on experience that will do some good and look impressive on a resume. 90003 90002 90014 Free coding certifications on offer: 90015 HTML, CSS, JavaScript, data visualization, DevTools, QA testing, Node.js, React, jQuery, and more 90003 90019 3. Coursera 90020 90002 Coursera is one of the best places to learn to code for free, with its professional and versatile course options. The site is a large online course library where classes are taught by real university professors. All courses are free of charge, but you have the option to pay for a «Coursera Verified Certificate» (prices range between $ 30- $ 100) to prove course completion. Sometimes paying for a certificate also grants access to content not available in the free versions.Coursera also offers «Specializations,» which are collections of courses on a specific topic, typically with a capstone project at the end. 90003 90002 90014 What free coding courses they offer: 90015 Many (far beyond your basic coding / computer science topics) 90003 90052 90019 4. edX 90020 90002 EdX is an open-source higher education program governed by MIT and Harvard, making it another high-caliber resource where you can learn to code for free online. The site offers over 600 great courses under the «computer science» category, teaching various coding languages.90003 90002 90014 Free programming courses offered: 90015 Java, C #, Python, and many more 90003 90019 5. Codewars 90020 90002 Codewars offers a fun and unique way to learn coding. With a martial-arts theme, the program is based on challenges called «kata.» Complete them to earn honor and progress to higher ranks. This is a fun way to learn programming online if you’re motivated by a little gamification! 90003 90002 90014 Coding challenges they offer: 90015 CoffeeScript, JavaScript, Python, Ruby, Java, Clojure, and Haskell 90003 90019 6.Code Conquest 90020 90002 Code Conquest is a free online guide to coding for beginners. The coding website is perfect for those who have not got a clue where to start. Learn 90072 how 90073 to learn to code, watch free tutorials, download cheat sheets, test your knowledge with quizzes, and more. 90003 90002 90014 Topics taught: 90015 HTML / CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Ruby, jQuery, Swift, Python and more 90003 90019 7. GA Dash 90020 90002 This is General Assembly’s free online learning platform.It’s entirely 90003.90000 10 Best C Courses Online to Enhance Your Skills in 2020 [Updated] 90001 90002 The C programming language is one of the oldest surviving programming languages. During its run, the senior member of the programming fraternity has influenced a wide range of modern programming languages, such as Java, PHP, and Python, and is continuing to do so even today. 90003 90002 Although over 4-and-a-half decades old, the C programming language is an indispensable part of many fields, including gaming, robotics, and electronics.So, is it worth learning the C programming language? Of course, it is! 90003 90006 90007 Best C Courses to Learn 90008 90009 90002 However, having the ability to code in other programming languages will better your future prospects. So, whether you’re looking to start fresh with C or looking to advance in the same, here is our pick of the 10 best C courses available as of now: 90003 90012 90007 1. Advanced C Programming: Pointers 90008 90015 90002 90003 90002 Type — Tutorial 90019 Level — Advanced 90003 90002 The Advanced C Programming: Pointers course is created by Huw Collingbourne to enable learners to master the concepts of pointers, addresses, and memory allocation in C.With a flashy rating of 4.6 stars, over 6k students have enrolled for the C course so far. 90003 90002 For the convenience of non-English speakers, the Advanced C Programming: Pointers course offered by Udemy is also available in Indonesian, Italian, Polish, Romanian, and Thai languages. Like other Udemy courses, you get lifetime access to the course post the purchase. 90003 90002 The Advanced C Programming: Pointers course comes with 4 hours of on-demand video and 7 articles. Moreover, 7 downloadable resources are also available for enhancing the learning experience.Post successful completion, learners are awarded a certificate of completion. 90003 90002 90007 Topics covered: 90008 90003 90031 90032 Common pointer errors 90033 90032 Deep and shallow copying 90033 90032 Generic pointers and casts 90033 90032 Indirection and multiple indirections 90033 90032 Memory allocation and relocation 90033 90032 Pointer arithmetic 90033 90032 Pointers and addresses 90033 90032 Singly and doubly linked lists 90033 90032 Stacks and queues 90033 90050 90002 You can sign up here.90003 90012 90007 2. C Programming For Beginners — Master the C Language 90008 90015 90002 90003 90002 Type — Course 90019 Level — Beginner 90003 90002 The C Programming For Beginners — Master the C Language course offered by Udemy will help you quickly learn the C programming language and increase your career options. It is one of the best-selling courses on Udemy with a 4.4-star rating and over 24k enrollments. 90003 90002 The C course is jointly created by Jason Fedin and Tim Buchalka’s Learn Programming Academy.In order to allow non-English speakers to benefit from the comprehensive beginner C course, it is put at offering in 7 non-English languages, including French, Indonesian, Polish, and Romanian. 90003 90002 The C Programming For Beginners — Master the C Language course begins with C fundamentals and completes with tips on writing high-quality code. The 129 lectures in the course translate to 22.5 hours of video that you can traverse the way you find it the most comfortable. 90003 90002 90007 Topics covered: 90008 90003 90031 90032 Arrays 90033 90032 Basic concepts and features of the C programming language 90033 90032 Character strings 90033 90032 Control flow 90033 90032 Debugging 90033 90032 File input and output 90033 90032 Functions 90033 90032 Operators 90033 90032 Pointers 90033 90032 Structures 90033 90032 The Standard C library 90033 90032 Variables and data types 90033 90050 90002 You can sign up here.90003 90012 90007 3. C Programming For Beginners 90008 90015 90002 90003 90002 Type — Tutorial 90019 Level — Beginner 90003 90002 The C Programming For Beginners course aims to educate learners about the C programming language in 10 easy steps. You are free to use any of the three major operating systems i.e. Linux, macOS, or Windows for learning C with this Udemy course. 90003 90002 Created by Huw Collingbourne, the C Programming For Beginners course has an average 4.1-star rating from over 2.9k reviews. Thus far, the course has been taken by over 19k learners. The beginner C course is also available in Indonesian and Thai languages other than English. 90003 90002 The C Programming For Beginners course includes 6 hours of on-demand video divided into a number of lectures. Moreover, the C course comes with 1 article and 3 downloadable resources to further assist learners in picking up pace with the C programming language. 90003 90002 90007 Topics covered: 90008 90003 90031 90032 Arrays 90033 90032 Binary files and memory allocation 90033 90032 C editors and IDEs 90033 90032 C programming basics 90033 90032 Chars, strings, and pointers 90033 90032 Constants and variables 90033 90032 Data types 90033 90032 File handling 90033 90032 Functions and arguments 90033 90032 Header files and scope 90033 90032 Looping and the break statement 90033 90032 Operators, tests, and user input 90033 90032 Structures and the enum data type 90033 90032 The Switch statement 90033 90050 90002 You can sign up here.90003 90012 90007 4. C Programming with Linux 90008 90015 90002 90003 90002 Type — Professional certificate 90019 Level — Beginner 90003 90002 For those aiming for professional certification in programming with C on the Linux platform, the C Programming with Linux is the go-to option. Offered by edX, the C course has two instructors; Petra Bonfert-Taylor, a professor, and Rémi Sharrock, an associate professor. 90003 90002 The C Programming with Linux course includes 7 graduate-level courses to educate learners about the C programming language as well as the Linux platform.Although it is a self-paced program, the maximum duration to complete the course is 4 months. 90003 90002 Anyone looking to work in embedded systems or high-performance computing must be well acquainted with the C programming language and the Linux platform. Hence, the C Programming with Linux course offers such people the opportunity to kill two birds with just one stone. 90003 90002 90007 Topics covered: 90008 90003 90031 90032 Compiling C code with Linux 90033 90032 Developing code in C 90033 90032 Debugging C code 90033 90032 Developing computer algorithms 90033 90032 Fundamentals of C, programming, and the Linux platform 90033 90032 Managing processes, files and memory with C 90033 90032 Manipulating the command line 90033 90032 Using pointers in C for manipulating, observing, and optimizing computer memory 90033 90050 90002 You can sign up here.90003 90012 90007 5. Introduction to Programming in C 90008 90015 90002 90003 90002 Type — Video tutorial 90019 Level — Beginner 90003 90002 Learn all the essential programming fundamentals with the Introduction to Programming in C course offered by coursera and Duke University. The program relies on 4 courses to produce the ability to develop efficient problem-solving algorithms and convert the same to C code in learners. 90003 90002 The Introduction to Programming in C course is an excellent option for those looking to enter the lucrative field of software development and other computational fields.It is a beginner level program with a flexible schedule that will take about 3 months to complete. 90003 90002 Other than English, the C course is also available in Vietnamese. Aside from taking the 4 courses, the learners will need to complete a hands-on project. Post the successful completion of the program and the submission of the hands-on project, a certification of completion will be awarded. 90003 90002 90007 Courses covered: 90008 90003 90031 90032 Programming Fundamentals (Course 1) 90033 90032 Writing, Running, and Fixing Code in C (Course 2) 90033 90032 Pointers, Arrays, and Recursion (Course 3) 90033 90032 Interacting with the System and Managing Memory (Course 4) 90033 90050 90002 You can sign up here.90003 90012 6. Learning C 90015 90002 90003 90002 The platform provides a series of courses ranging from beginner to advanced level. You can opt to complete all the training one by one or select the one that fits your level of experience. Apart from this, there are courses specifically designed to improve your coding skills. The code clinics consist of popular coding assignments along with the solutions for practice. Upon the completion of the fundamental programs, you can choose to take the lessons based on the use of C in embedded applications to integrate your knowledge and build IoT solutions.90003 90002 Type — Course 90019 Level — Beginner to Advance 90003 90002 90007 Topics Covered 90008 90003 90031 90032 IDE installation 90033 90032 Compiler 90033 90032 Data Types 90033 90032 Variables 90033 90032 Header Files 90033 90032 Functions 90033 90032 Conditional Statements 90033 90032 Loops 90033 90032 Pointers 90033 90032 Arrays 90033 90032 File Handling 90033 90032 Structures and the enum data type 90033 90032 Typedef, struct, and union 90033 90050 90002 You can sign up here.90003 90012 90007 7. Writing, Running, and Fixing Code in C 90008 90015 90002 90003 90002 The Writing, Running, and Fixing Code in C is a course offered by coursera in association with Duke University. 90003 90002 Other than English, the C course is also available in Vietnamese. It is a 100% online course that you can learn at your own pace. You need about 25 hours to complete the course, about 4 weeks in total with 6 to 8 hours of study a week. 3 instructors will help you throughout the course.90003 90002 By the successful completion of the Writing, Running, and Fixing Code in C course you will be able to not only code in C but will also have a good understanding of the C compiler and the debugging process. You will have to complete a hands-on project in the end to get a certificate of completion. 90003 90002 Type — Course 90019 Level — Beginner 90003 90002 90007 Topics covered: 90008 90003 90031 90032 Basics of C 90033 90032 C compiler 90033 90032 Code review 90033 90032 Compiler errors 90033 90032 Compiling overview and process 90033 90032 Controlling execution 90033 90032 Fundamentals of the UNIX platform 90033 90032 Macros and header files 90033 90032 Testing overview and process 90033 90032 Types of testing 90033 90050 90002 You can sign up here.90003 90012 90007 8. C Programming Tutorials 90008 90015 90002 90003 90002 Type — Video series 90019 Level — Beginner / Intermediate 90003 90002 Looking to get started with C for free? Then you should check out the C Programming Tutorials video series on YouTube. Created and curated by thenewboston, C Programming Tutorials is an assemblage of 58 videos that have garnered over 8.1 million views at the time of this write-up. 90003 90002 Most of the videos belonging to the C Programming Tutorials video set run for less than 10 minutes.Only a few of them are longer than 10 minutes. The biggest video in the series runs for 12 minutes and 38 seconds while the smallest runs for a mere 3 minutes and 33 seconds 90003 90002 The C Programming Tutorials videos series covers most of the basic / intermediate aspects of the C programming language. Hence, it has so much that someone looking to get started with C without sparing a single penny needs. 90003 90002 90007 Topics covered: 90008 90003 90031 90032 Arrays and pointers 90033 90032 Basics of the C programming language 90033 90032 Break, continue, and switch 90033 90032 Character functions 90033 90032 Creating a header file 90033 90032 File operations with C 90033 90032 Global vs local variables 90033 90032 Looping 90033 90032 Nesting if statements 90033 90032 Pass by reference vs.Pass by value 90033 90032 Puts and gets 90033 90032 Strings and pointers 90033 90032 Typecasting 90033 90050 90002 You can sign up here. 90003 90012 90007 9. C — Geeks for Geeks 90008 90015 90002 90003 90002 Type — Tutorials 90019 Level — Beginner / Intermediate / Advanced 90003 90002 Though not a tutorial exactly, this is an entire directory of the C programming language-related articles on Geeks for Geeks educational website. The best thing about C — Geeks for Geeks is that it has a comprehensive list of C topics that is growing continuously.90003 90002 C — Geeks for Geeks is a place that has something for every C programmer or aspirant, irrespective of their skill level. You will find everything ranging from fundamentals of the C programming language to handling files with C here. 90003 90002 You can learn at your own pace with C — Geeks for Geeks, completely for free. Does not matter if you’re already adept in C, you can still use C — Geeks for Geeks as a reference point or handbook for all your personal / professional projects. 90003 90002 90007 Topics covered: 90008 90003 90031 90032 Arrays & strings 90033 90032 Control statements 90033 90032 Data types 90033 90032 Enum, struct, and union 90033 90032 File handling with C 90033 90032 Functions 90033 90032 Fundamentals of C 90033 90032 Input / output 90033 90032 Memory management 90033 90032 Operators 90033 90032 Pointers 90033 90032 Preprocessor 90033 90032 Storage classes 90033 90032 Variable declaration, definition, and scope 90033 90050 90002 You can sign up here.90003 90012 90007 10. Learning to Program in C by Jonathan Engelsma 90008 90015 90002 90007 90008 90003 90002 Type — Video series 90019 Level — Beginner 90003 90002 YouTube is a great place to learn almost anything, at least to get introduced to the basics. This is true for the C programming language too. Learning to Program in C is a YouTube video series created by Jonathan Engelsma, a computer scientist, programmer, and teacher. 90003 90002 In addition to introducing to the basics of the C programming language, Engelsma’s YouTube channel offers numerous, thoroughly explained tutorial videos about topics related to Ruby and Swift.All of them are available completely for free. 90003 90002 Learning to Program in C video series contains a total of 9 videos with a total run time of 198 minutes and 11 seconds. As of now, the video series has accumulated over 96k views. Each video helps the learner move a step closer to starting programming with C. 90003 90002 90007 Topics covered: 90008 90003 90031 90032 Arithmetic and logical expressions 90033 90032 Basics of C 90033 90032 Data types 90033 90032 Dynamic memory allocation: calloc (), free (), and malloc () 90033 90032 Functions: syntax, definition, local variables, call-by-value, call-by-reference, and recursion 90033 90032 Input / output using putchar / getchar and printf / scanf 90033 90032 Looping and branching 90033 90032 Reading from and writing to files using functions from the C Standard I / O library 90033 90032 Single and multidimensional arrays 90033 90032 Strings and pointers 90033 90032 Typedef, struct, and union 90033 90050 90002 You can sign up «target =» _ blank «rel =» noopener «> here.90003 90006 90007 Conclusion 90008 90009 90002 That completes our pick of the top 10 best C courses. You can opt for one or more courses mentioned in the list and also share them with your colleagues and friends looking to start or advance in the C programming language. 90003 90002 Remember, learning programming requires patience, persistence, and practice. This is especially true for learning a programming language like C. So, keep up the good work. You will eventually get better. Check out these best C tutorials too, if you wish.90003 90002 90007 People are also reading: 90008 90003 .