Сколько стоит создать сайт?
При разработке сайта нужно обязательно учитывать ваш бюджет на все работы. Отсюда важность ответа на вопрос — сколько стоит создать сайт? Причем такой, чтобы конвертировал посетителя в клиента и приносил вам прибыль. Давайте разбираться.
Отличия работы веб-студии от фрилансера
Это еще один вопрос, мучающий многих наших клиентов. Сколько стоит создать сайт с нуля у фрилансеров и в профессиональной веб-студии?
Ответ однозначный — у фрилансеров все дешевле, однако и качество исполнения зачастую хромает. Учитывая, что вы не связаны с фрилансом никаким договором, в отличие от веб-студии, предъявить претензии за «хромое» исполнение ТЗ у вас не получится.
Другое дело — при работе с веб-студией. Вы полностью отдаете создание сайта на аутсорс, контролируя лишь поэтапное исполнение вашего заказа. Например, в «Волге Веб» за вами прикрепляется личный менеджер, следящий за работой всех отделов и готовый всегда реагировать на вашу обратную связь.
Если формулировать отличия коротко, то получится следующий небольшой список:
- У фрилансера нет определенного времени доступности. В студию вы же можете позвонить в любой момент рабочего дня и получить ответ на интересующий вопрос.
- Веб-студия наполнена профессионалами разных направлений — начиная с дизайна и заканчивая программистами. При работе с фрилансерами вам придется постоянно искать нового исполнителя в зависимости от стадии реализации проекта.
- Начиная с создания дизайна, эксперты веб-студии думают о продвижении сайта и разрабатывают его, оглядываясь на будущий маркетинг. Дизайнерам-фрилансерам, мягко говоря, до лампочки ваши планы; их интересует готовый дизайн и оплата.
- Кстати, третий пункт касается еще и остальных этапов создания сайта. Так что сотрудничество с веб-студией — это залог грамотно проведенной работы.
Сколько стоит создать интернет сайт в «Волге Веб»
И все-таки, сколько стоит создать интернет сайт при помощи нашей веб-студии? На самом деле, ответ зависит от нескольких факторов:
- Ваш бюджет.
- Главная цель создания сайта.
- Трафик, на который вы рассчитываете.
Наши менеджеры найдут точку соприкосновения этих параметров, определив тем самым оптимальный путь решения поставленной задачи.
Вложения в сайт окупаются?
Все финансовые и временные вложения в сайт, которые вы совершаете, окупаются, в среднем, за год плодотворной работы. А иногда даже за более короткий срок.
При работе с веб-студией мы продумываем каждый малейший шаг в процессе реализации поставленной задачи:
- Расписываем маркетинговый план сразу после заключения договора.
- Создаем макет дизайна, опираясь на ваши пожелания и дальнейшее продвижение.
- Передаем макеты разработчикам и программистам.
- Согласовываем с вами каждую малейшую деталь, в которой мы сомневаемся.
- Пишем контент на ваш новый сайт.
Ну а дальше начинается воплощение в реальность маркетингового плана, придуманного нами еще до этого.
В итоге у вас «на руках» — рабочий сайт с высокой конверсией в клиента, социальные сети, откуда идет постоянный трафик и продажи, реклама в Яндексе и Google и много других инструментов, способствующих продвижению и увеличению ваших доходов.
Таким образом, после проведения и окончания всех работ ваш сайт начнет приносить деньги. Так что сроки окупаемости напрямую зависят только от продукта и успехов его продажи.
Вопрос о том, сколько стоит хостинг для сайта является одним из наиболее важных при выборе провайдера. Именно критерий стоимости для большинства пользователей хостингов в России является одним из важнейших, наряду с надёжностью, стабильностью, качеством обслуживания и т. д. В этой статье рассмотрим вопрос о том, какова же средняя стоимость хостинга в Рунете.
Сравнение расценок лучших хостингов
Как вы уже, наверное, знаете, на главной странице нашего сайта, опубликован рейтинг лучших хостингов. Рассмотрим же за какие деньги у этих сервисов можно купить услуги и выведем средний показатель.
С учётом того, что цена хостинга в каждом из сервисов может сильно варьироваться в зависимости от тарифов, для демонстрации выбираются тарифы и расценки средней категории.
Стоимость услуг в рублях | |||
Название компании | Хостинг сайтов, в месяц/в год (или в среднем в месяц) | VPS/VDS сервер, в мес./за год (или в среднем за месяц) | Домен, в год |
Mchost | 249/219 | 1799/1583 | 999 |
Fozzy | 255 | 2395 в месяц | 575 |
Sprinthost | 360/298 | уточняйте на сайте | 980 |
Beget | 245/2940 (за год) | 1380 в месяц | 460 |
Reg.ru | 279/209 | 719 в месяц | 850 |
WebHost1 | 340/3468 (за год) | 1900/1330 | 1600 |
HOSTiQ | 407 ежемесячно | 909 в месяц | 700 |
Appletec | 240/2300 (за год) | 1950/1750 | 1350 |
Евробайт | 399 ежемесячно | 1699 в месяц | 499 |
IHC | 229 ежемесячно | 2500 в месяц | 200 |
Spaceweb | 339/279 | 649/549 | 945 |
SmartApe | 195/2340 (за год) | 1745/3495 | 1295 |
Исходя из данных в таблице, можно сделать заключение о том, какая средняя цена на хостинг и прочие услуги предлагается провайдерами.
Особенности анализа
Осуществляя аналитику того, какова же средняя оплата по тарифам у провайдеров, следует понимать, что такой анализ предоставляет весьма грубые, неточные показатели.
Это обуславливается следующими особенностями анализа:
- Тарифы. Как правило, компании предлагают несколько различных тарифов находящихся в разных ценовых категориях. Кроме того, хостинг на год или с помесячной оплатой может сильно различаться в цене, что видно из таблицы.
- Хостинг и домен. Некоторые сервисы предлагают домены в подарок при покупке хостинга на год или при выполнении других условий акции.
- Бонусы. Цена на услуги сервиса может сильно варьироваться в зависимости от дополнительных опций, параметров и возможностей, которые сервис туда закладывает по умолчанию либо в рамках спецпредложения.
- Переменчивость. Покупка услуг и продуктов провайдера, в разный период времени может осуществляться по различным ценам. На это могут влиять различные факторы: акционные предложения и скидки; сезонность; возраст, надёжность компании и т. д.
Все эти многочисленные косвенные и прямые факторы следует учитывать при определении показателей средней ценовой составляющей на хостинг среди компаний.
Формирование цены
Такие услуги как аренда хостинга, выделенный сервер и многие другие имеют свою обоснованную стоимость, что подкреплена определенным основанием (задействование персонала, оборудования, текущие расходы и т. д.). Каждый сервис может на одну и ту же услугу устанавливать поразительно отличающуюся цену в силу различных, вышеупомянутых в т. ч. факторов.
Для того, чтобы осуществлять более взвешенный и объективный анализ средней стоимости услуг, следует понимать, каким образом формируется цена.
Среди основных параметров, влияющих на ценообразование можно отметить следующие пункты:
- Количественный фактор. В этот пункт входят показатели количества баз данных, объём предоставляемого дискового пространства и ОЗУ, количество трафика и т. д.
- Качество. Скорость работы хостинга, удалённость и надёжность серверов, уровень технического обслуживания и поддержки, и т. д.
- Специфика тарифа. По одним предложениям компании могут устанавливать собственные цены, другие же они вынуждены корректировать в конкурентной гонке за клиентами. Некоторые виды услуг, работ в виду своей трудоёмкости либо затратности не могут быть дешевыми по определению.
Наш рейтинг
На главной странице нашего сайта вы можете ознакомиться с нашим основным рейтингом хостингов для интернет-магазина и любого другого сайта. Сюда входят только действительно лучшие компании, которые мы отбирали по ряду строгих и объективных критериев.
Почему стоит обратить внимание на наш рейтинг лучших хостингов?
- Объективность. Мы оцениваем компании объективно и без предвзятого отношения, опираясь на достоверные факты и информацию.
- Выбор лучших. После детального анализа по многим критериям и пунктам, в наш рейтинг добавляются только достойные, проверенные временем и клиентами проекты.
- Надёжность. В наш рейтинг входят только давно работающие компании, что заслуженно пользуются своим признанием, характеризуются высоким uptime, максимально бесперебойны в работе.
Как узнать стоимость продления домена? | REG.RU
Только для прямых клиентов REG.RU
Инструкция ниже подойдет вам, если вы являетесь прямым клиентом REG.RU. Если вы заказывали домен через партнёра нашей компании, стоимость продления нужно узнавать на сайте партнёра.
Если у вас есть домен в зоне .RU или .РФ, вы можете продлить его по акции бесплатно: Как продлевать домены бесплатно?
Как узнать стоимость продления домена
Авторизуйтесь на сайте REG.RU.
Важно: только после авторизации вы получите точную информацию о стоимости продления ваших доменов. Если вы только планируете зарегистрировать домен, информация о продлении будет указана без учёта индивидуальных предложений, скидок или акций.
Перейдите на страницу Стоимость услуг и кликните по раскрывашке
Домены. Затем выберите категорию, стоимость которой хотите узнать, и нажмите на неё: -
На странице откроется список доменных зон. Наведите курсор мыши на нужную зону и вы увидите стоимость регистрации и тарифы продления:
Узнать больше о тарифах продления доменов и выбрать подходящий поможет статья: Чем отличаются тарифы продления домена?
Как быстро продлить домен
Вы можете продлить домен в пару кликов. Для этого воспользуйтесь формой быстрого продления.
Сколько стоит домен
Стоимость регистрации нового домена
Узнать цену регистрации нового доменного имени можно на нашем сайте, на странице Зарегистрировать домен. Цены указаны за год регистрации. Для получения точной информации по стоимости услуг, вы должны быть авторизованы в Личном кабинете.
Цена регистрации домена может меняться в зависимости от:
Стоимость покупки существующего домена
Цена покупки существующего домена может сильно отличаться от цены регистрации нового домена.
Информацию по приобретению существующих доменных имён вы можете получить в статьях:
Помогла ли вам статья? 188
раз уже
Во сколько на самом деле обойдётся сайт на WordPress?
Слово, которое встречается в любом описании WordPress, – бесплатно. И это правда. Установка необходимых файлов для создания сайта совершенно бесплатна.
Большинству создателей контента не придется платить ни копейки, так как им нужны только базовые функции.
Но вы, скорее всего, не относитесь к их числу. Вы используете WordPress как инструмент для бизнеса и увеличения дохода. Поэтому создание сайта на данной платформе для вас будет далеко не бесплатным. Сколько же это стоит на самом деле? И как минимизировать затраты, при этом используя весь потенциал WordPress?
Чтобы использовать WordPress в качестве инструмента для бизнеса нужно рассматривать его не как «бесплатное ПО для ведения блога», а как инвестиции в будущее компании.
Анализ совокупной стоимости владения (TCO) – проверенная временем модель оценки стоимости приобретений, которая использовалась в сфере IT еще со времен появления первых компьютеров.
В сфере IT, как и в любой другой, связанной со сложными механизмами, итоговая стоимость значительно зависит от закупочной цены.
При этом учитываются реальные затраты такие, как цена закупки и регулярного ремонта, а также «реальная стоимость», о которой часто забывают. Но сколько аспектов реальной стоимости может быть учтено? Огромное множество.
Какие скрытые затраты ассоциируются с WordPress?
- Регистрация домена
- Хостинг
- Премиальные темы
- Премиальные плагины
- Зарплата разработчиков
- Обеспечение безопасности
- Хранение и восстановление данных
- Ваше время
- Ваша энергия
Важно понять и оценить каждый перечисленный пункт, проанализировав, как различные стратегии работы с WordPress на них влияют. Это поможет сделать выбор, способный максимизировать потенциал WordPress для вашего бизнеса, и при этом снизить расходы.
Как же вы можете управлять своим сайтом на WordPress? Есть несколько вариантов:
- WordPress.com
- Собственный хостинг
- Управляемый WordPress хостинг
- Премиальный управляемый WordPress хостинг
Давайте проанализируем реальную стоимость каждого варианта.
Если вы открываете сайт на WordPress.com, то получаете бесплатный базовый хостинг. Однако для приобретения собственного домена (чтобы не использовать имя yoursite.wordpress.com) придется заплатить 13 долларов (если домен у вас уже есть) или 18 долларов (если вы приобретете домен на WordPress.com).
К тому же, если вы решите использовать премиальную тему, выбирать придется только из тем на WordPress.com, которые стоят в среднем около 70 долларов. При этом перенести ее на свой хостинг в будущем не получится.
Также вы можете выбрать план Премиум или Бизнес, в которые входят домены. Премиум – больше пространства на диске и дополнительные возможности персонализации, Бизнес – 150+ премиальных тем и неограниченное пространство на диске.
Выбрав одну из трех перечисленных опций, вам не придется беспокоиться о безопасности сайта, так как Automattic (компания-партнер WordPress.com) об этом позаботится.
Итого, за первый год при выборе «Бесплатного» плана на WordPress.com и премиальной темы (включая плату за домен) TCO составит около 90 долларов, 99 долларов за план Премиум и 299 долларов за план Бизнес.
WordPress.com – отличный вариант для большинства создателей контента. Недостатки: вы будете ограничены в конфигурациях, темах, плагинах и других аспектах управления контентом, что может повлиять на возможность:
- Установить контакт с целевой аудиторией
- Привлечь подписчиков на сайт
- Увеличить число подписчиков в социальных сетях
- Улучшить SEO
- Предлагать пользователям членство, создавать сообщества или проводить онлайн-курсы
- Получать доход с сайта
Собственный хостинг
Если вы хотите использовать собственный хостинг, достаточно найти подходящего провайдера. Цены на такие услуги вполне приемлемые – около 5 долларов в месяц.
При этом ваш сайт будет располагаться на крупном общем сервере, от чего может страдать его производительность.
При использовании собственного хостинга число тем не ограничено. Вы можете выбрать одну из множества бесплатных тем для WordPress, купить премиальную или создать собственную.
Большинство небольших компаний зачастую не находят подходящую бесплатную тему, при этом обычно не готовы платить разработчикам за создание собственной. Поэтому премиальные WordPress темы – отличный выбор. В среднем такие темы стоят около 100 долларов.
Что насчет безопасности?
У вас есть на выбор множество бесплатных плагинов для обеспечения безопасности сайта, но вы используете их на свой страх и риск. Даже если вы заплатите за виртуальный выделенный сервер (VPS), это не спасет ситуацию. Ваш сайт располагается на общем сервере, а значит любой другой сайт, работающий на этом же хостинге, представляет для вас прямую угрозу.
Возможно, вас взломают или сервер упадет, тогда вам придется потратить много времени на восстановление потерянных данных и укрепление защиты сайта. Если вы в этом не разбираетесь, лучше нанять специалиста.
Также следует регулярно создавать и хранить в надежном месте резервные копии данных. В случае атаки на сервер они вам очень пригодятся. С этим также связаны определенные расходы.
Учитывая стоимость базового хостинга и темы, TCO составит примерно 125 долларов в год. Если добавить к этому расходы на безопасность, стоимость вырастет примерно на 200 долларов в год, а если включить базовый пакет для создания и хранения резервных копий данных – еще примерно на 100 долларов в год.
Итоговая стоимость базового WordPress сайта на собственном хостинге составит примерно 425 долларов в год.
Управляемый WordPress хостинг
Следующий уровень – управляемый хостинг. Он даст вам возможность создать сайт на собственном хостинге, но с предоставлением профессиональной поддержки.
Цены в этом случае значительно различаются, но большинство небольших компаний смогут найти для себя оптимизированный под WordPress план за примерно 29 долларов в месяц. Это также будет общий сервер, но вам будет оказана более квалифицированная поддержка, чем в случае с обычными хостингами.
Если вас интересует выделенный сервер, то следует рассчитывать на стоимость от 100 до 250 долларов в месяц (не забудьте убедиться в том, что вам действительно будет предоставлен выделенный сервер).
Дополнительно нужно будет приобрести платную тему для своего сайта ориентировочно за 100 долларов.
В зависимости от ваших нужд и выбранного плана, итоговая стоимость составит от 448 до 3088 долларов в год (при выборе общего сервера).
Премиальный управляемый WordPress хостинг
При использовании премиального управляемого хостинга вы значительно увеличиваете шансы своего сайта на успех.
У вас будет возможность использовать все необходимые функции (форумы, членство, курсы и т.д.), при этом вам будет обеспечена полная безопасность, предоставлены услуги по резервному копированию и хранению данных и профессиональная поддержка.
Отдельно обеспечение безопасности и хранение данных могут стоить не одну сотню долларов, к тому же не стоит недооценивать важность качественной поддержки настоящими профессионалами, отлично разбирающимися в WordPress, контенте, продвижении и дизайне.
Но вернемся к цифрам…
При выборе стандартного плана для одного сайта стоимость составит примерно 564 доллара за первый год (47 долларов в месяц). При выборе улучшенного плана – 1764 доллара в год (147 долларов в месяц). Если вам нужна премиальная тема, добавьте еще 100 долларов. В итоге стоимость составит от 664 до 1864 долларов в год в зависимости от выбранного плана.
В эту стоимость входит выделенный хостинг, услуги по обеспечению безопасности, хранению данных и профессиональная поддержка.
Дополнительно вам может понадобиться премиальный SEO плагин, стоимостью около 47 долларов в месяц.
Как мы убедились, владение сайтом на WordPress может стоить довольно дорого, все зависит от целей и возможностей компании. Вам осталось выбрать наиболее подходящий именно для вашего бизнеса вариант и оценить расходы, не забывая при этом учитывать потраченное время и силы.
90000 How Much Does It Cost to Build a WordPress Website? (2020) 90001 90002 One of the questions we often get asked is: how much does it cost to build a WordPress website? While the core WordPress software is free, the cost of a website depends entirely on your budget and goals. 90003 90002 In this article, we will break it all down to answer the ultimate question: How much does it really cost to build a WordPress website? We’ll also show you how to avoid overspending and minimize cost when building a website.90003 90002 90007 90003 90002 This is a lengthy read and that’s why we have added a table of contents. Here is what we will cover in this article. 90003 90011 What Do You Need to Build a WordPress Website? 90012 90002 WordPress is free for anyone to download and use. It is an open source software which gives you the freedom to install it on any kind of website. 90003 90002 90016 So if WordPress is free, then where is the cost coming from? 90017 90003 90002 The cost of a WordPress site can be broken down into following categories: 90003 90021 90022 WordPress hosting 90023 90022 Domain Name 90023 90022 Design 90023 90022 Plugins and Extensions (Apps) 90023 90030 90002 To create a self hosted WordPress site, you need web hosting to store your files.Every website on the internet needs hosting. This is your website’s home on the internet. 90003 90002 There are different hosting plans available for all kind of websites. You need to pick one that suits your requirements and fits your budget. 90003 90002 Next, you will need a domain name. This will be your website’s address on the internet, and this is what your users will type in the browser to reach your website (example, wpbeginner.com or google.com). 90003 90002 With WordPress, there are tons of free website templates available that you can use.However, if you want something more advanced / custom, then you can purchase a premium template or have one custom made which will raise the cost. 90003 90002 There are 54,000+ free plugins for WordPress. These are apps and extensions for your websites. Think features like contact form, gallery, etc. 90003 90002 So while you can build a website with just the hosting and domain cost, based on your situation, you may end up paying for additional tools and services. That’s why it’s often confusing for people to find out the real cost of a WordPress website.90003 90002 Let us walk you through the real cost of building a WordPress site. 90003 90011 Estimating The Real Cost of Building a WordPress Site 90012 90002 90048 90003 90002 Depending on your needs, your cost to start a WordPress website can range from $ 100 to $ 500 to $ 3000, to even as high as $ 30,000 or more. 90003 90002 It’s important to know what type of website you are building, and what you’ll need for it because that will directly affect your cost. 90003 90002 But do not worry, we’ll show you how to avoid a financial disaster and make the best decisions.90003 90002 For the sake of this article, let’s break down websites into different budget categories: 90003 90021 90022 Building a WordPress website (low budget) 90023 90022 Building a WordPress website (with more features) 90023 90022 Building a WordPress website for small business 90023 90022 Building a WordPress eCommerce website 90023 90022 Building a custom WordPress website 90023 90030 90002 Now let’s see how much each of these projects cost and how you can avoid spending any more than necessary.90003 90011 What’s the Cost of a WordPress Website (Low Budget)? 90012 90002 90075 90003 90002 You can build a fully functional WordPress website for yourself and keep your costs under $ 100. Here is the cost break down of a WordPress website on a low budget. 90003 90002 First, you will need a domain name and web hosting. 90003 90002 A domain name typically costs $ 14.99 / year, and web hosting normally costs $ 7.99 / month. 90003 90002 Thankfully, Bluehost, an official WordPress recommended hosting provider, has agreed to offer our users a free domain name and over 60% off on web hosting.90003 90002 → Click here to Claim this Exclusive Bluehost offer ← 90003 90002 For more hosting recommendations check out our guide on how to choose the best WordPress hosting. 90003 90002 Next, you will need to install WordPress on your hosting account. See our step by step guide on how to start a WordPress blog for complete instructions. 90003 90002 Once you have installed WordPress, you can choose a design for your website using a free template. 90003 90002 These design templates are called WordPress themes, and they control the appearance of your website.90003 90002 There are thousands of professionally designed free themes available for WordPress that you can install. See our expert-pick of 43 beautiful free WordPress blog themes for some examples. 90003 90002 Once you have chosen a WordPress template, follow the instructions in our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress theme. 90003 90002 Next, you may want to add certain features to your website like adding a contact form, a photo gallery, a slider, etc. Do not worry there are more than 40,000 WordPress plugins available that will help you do that.90003 90002 Plugins are like apps or extensions for your WordPress site. See our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin. 90003 90002 Below is our selection of the essentials WordPress plugins that you should install on your website. All of them are available for free. 90003 90002 90016 Features 90017 90003 90002 90016 Website Optimization 90017 90003 90002 90016 Website Security 90017 90003 90002 There are many more free WordPress plugins to add different features and extend your WordPress site.See our best WordPress plugins category where we have reviewed hundreds of WordPress plugins. 90003 90002 90016 Total Cost of website: 90017 $ 46 — $ 100 per year 90003 90011 What’s the Cost of a WordPress Site (with More Features)? 90012 90002 90126 90003 90002 We always recommend our users to start small and then add more features as their website grow. This way you will not be paying for anything that you do not really need. 90003 90002 As you add more features to your website, your website cost will start to increase.90003 90002 You can continue to use Bluehost for WordPress hosting to keep the cost low and get a free domain name. 90003 90002 However since you will be adding more features to your website, it may make sense to get a more powerful hosting configuration like SiteGround’s GoGeek plan. This will cost you a little more, but it comes with premium features like staging, faster performance, and can handle up to 100,000 visitors per month. 90003 90002 You can use our SiteGround coupon to get 60% off for the first year of your hosting.90003 90002 You can also go for a premium WordPress template for your site. Unlike free WordPress templates, these templates come with extra features and priority support. See our expert selection of 40 best responsive WordPress themes for some great premium templates that you can use. 90003 90002 For more website features you need to use a combination of free + paid plugin addons. 90003 90002 Here are some essential premium WordPress plugins and extensions that you’ll need as your site grows: 90003 90002 90016 Features 90017 90003 90002 90016 Marketing 90017 90003 90002 90016 Security 90017 90003 90002 There are many more WordPress plugins and services that you can add.Each paid service or addon that you add will increase the cost of your WordPress site. 90003 90002 90016 Total cost of website: 90017 Depending on the premium WordPress plugins and services that you add, it can be anywhere between $ 500 and $ 1000. per year. 90003 90011 What’s the Cost of a Small Business Website with WordPress 90012 90002 A lot of people often ask us about how much does it cost to build a small business website with WordPress? The answer depends on your business needs and the tools you’ll be using to grow your business online.90003 90002 Basically, you can estimate the cost to be somewhere between a low budget WordPress site and a WordPress site with more features. 90003 90002 Keeping in mind that you do not add a full-fledged eCommerce store to your business website. In that case, see the next section in this article for a more accurate estimate. 90003 90002 If you are just starting out and need a simple website showcasing your products and services, then we recommend starting with the Bluehost. Their starter plan will reduce the cost significantly and will leave you with money that you can spend on other premium tools if needed.90003 90002 If you have a more flexible budget, then you can sign up for SiteGround’s GrowBig plan. They are known for their excellent support, which is a good thing to have for a small business owner with no technical background. 90003 90002 Next, you will need to pick up a design for your website. You can look for a WordPress theme for business websites or pick a responsive WordPress theme that matches your requirements. 90003 90002 You can choose a free WordPress theme. However, since it is a business website, we will recommend you to purchase a premium theme that gives you access to support and updates.90003 90002 Now let’s talk about plugins. 90003 90002 You will need to use a combination of free and premium plugins to control the cost. Following are some of the premium plugins that are absolutely essential for a small business website. 90003 90002 90016 Features 90017 90003 90002 90016 Marketing 90017 90003 90021 90022 Constant Contact — One of the best email marketing service, specially for small businesses. 90023 90022 OptinMonster -Helps you convert website visitors into leads and customers.You’ll need it for Lead generation and conversion optimization. 90023 90022 MonsterInsights Pro — The best Google Analytics plugin helps you see where your users are coming from and what they do on your website. This allows you to make data-driven decisions to grow your business. 90023 90030 90002 90016 Security 90017 90003 90021 90022 UpdraftPlus (Pro) — The premium version of the plugin comes with incremental backups, automatic backups before updates, and several remote storage locations to keep your backups.90023 90022 Sucuri Firewall — Website firewall and malware protection 90023 90030 90002 Now there are many more plugins and tools that you would want to use. We recommend you to first try the free version and see if that does the job for you. Many premium tools are available with the free trials, take advantage of those to see if you really need that tool. 90003 90002 As a business website, you would want to spend money to grow your business. We are not advising you against spending money when it makes sense and you can afford it.90003 90002 For more details see our step by step guide on how to make a small business website 90003 90002 90016 Total cost of website: 90017 Once again it depends on premium tools and plugins you purchase. It can be anywhere between $ 300 and $ 700 per year but could go as high as $ 1000. per year. 90003 90011 What’s the Cost of a WordPress Ecommerce Website? 90012 90002 90221 90003 90002 WordPress powers millions of eCommerce websites around the world. 90003 90002 The cost of building a WordPress eCommerce website can be significantly higher, but we will show you how to build a WordPress eCommerce website while avoiding potential losses and overspending.90003 90002 In addition to hosting and domain, your eCommerce site will also need an SSL certificate which costs around $ 69.99 / year. SSL is required to securely transfer customer data such as credit card information, usernames, passwords, etc. 90003 90002 We recommend using Bluehost Ecommerce plan. It gives you a free domain and SSL certificate, plus discount on hosting. 90003 90002 After that, you need to select a WordPress eCommerce plugin. 90003 90002 There are several eCommerce plugins for WordPress, but none comes even close to WooCommerce.It is the most popular WordPress eCommerce plugin that allows you to build robust online stores to sell your products / services. 90003 90002 Next, you will need to install WordPress and WooCommerce on your website. We have a step by step guide on how to start an online store. 90003 90002 While WooCommerce is free, you will need to use paid addons for additional features. The cost of your website will go up depending on how many addons you need to add on your website. 90003 90002 Once you are up and running, you will need to choose a WooCommerce ready WordPress template for your site.There are several paid and free WordPress templates with full WooCommerce support. Choosing a premium or paid template gives you access to support and extra features. 90003 90002 We have a list of the best free WooCommerce addons, but depending on your needs, you may have to use some paid extensions as well. 90003 90002 Here are some other paid services that you’ll need on your eCommerce website. 90003 90002 90016 Features 90017 90003 90021 90022 WPForms — To add customer inquiries and feedback forms 90023 90022 Beaver Builder — To create stunning landing pages using a drag and drop page builder 90023 90022 Soliloquy — Create beautiful product sliders with their WooCommerce addon 90023 90030 90002 90016 Marketing 90017 90003 90021 90022 OptinMonster — Convert visitors into customers with this powerful lead generation tool 90023 90022 Constant Contact — powerful email marketing service 90023 90022 MonsterInsights — Ecommerce tracking with real time stats using Google Analytics 90023 90030 90002 90016 Security 90017 90003 90021 90022 BackupBuddy — Automatic WordPress backups 90023 90022 Sucuri — Website firewall and malware scanner 90023 90030 90002 Remember the best way to keep your costs down is by starting small and adding extensions and services as your business grows.90003 90002 90016 Total cost of building a WordPress eCommerce website: 90017 $ 1000 — $ 3000.. It could be higher depending on how many paid addons and services you add to your site. 90003 90011 What’s the Cost of a Custom WordPress Site? 90012 90002 90288 90003 90002 A custom WordPress site is when you hire a WordPress developer to create a unique design and build specific features for it. 90003 90002 Usually well established, large to medium-sized businesses choose this route. 90003 90002 To support a custom WordPress site, you may also want to go for a managed WordPress hosting provider.This is a WordPress centric hosting environment, with managed updates, premium support, strict security, and developer friendly tools. 90003 90002 In addition to your hosting and domain name, you will also be paying the web developer that’s building your website. Depending on your need, you may want to get quotes from several theme developers, web designers, and agencies. 90003 90002 The cost of a custom website depends on your requirements, budget, and the rates of the developer or agency you hire.90003 90002 A standard custom WordPress theme alone can cost you up to $ 5000. More robust WordPress sites with specific custom features can cost up to $ 15000 or even higher. 90003 90002 90016 Update: 90017 Since several of you asked for a more details on this section, we have created a comprehensive guide on how much does a custom WordPress theme cost, and tips on how you can save money. 90003 90011 How to Avoid Overpaying and Cut Down Spending? 90012 90002 We always recommend our users to start small and then scale their WordPress site as it grows.In many cases, you do not need all the premium features that you see on many well-established websites in your industry. 90003 90002 Keep in mind that those websites had a head start, and it likely took them some time to figure out how to manage costs and grow their business. 90003 90002 You can start with a budget website using free plugins and template. Once you start getting visitors, you can consider adding premium features like a premium template, email marketing, paid backup plugin, website firewall and so on.90003 90002 Same goes for your eCommerce website. Start with the bare minimum and then as you start selling, you will find out exactly the tools that will help you and your customers. 90003 90002 Look for best WordPress deals and coupons to get additional discounts whenever you can. 90003 90002 Even for robust WordPress sites, you do not always need to hire a developer. We have step by step tutorials on how to create different types of WordPress websites such as: 90003 90002 We hope this article answered your questions about how much does a website cost to build.You may also want to see our list of 25 legit ways to make money online blogging with WordPress. 90003 90002 If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook. 90003 .90000 How much does it cost to host a website in 2020? 90001 90002 90003 InMotion Hosting: No. 1 In Hosting Services 90004 Our score: 9.2 User satisfaction: 98% 90005 VISIT WEBSITE FREE TRIAL 90006 90007 90005 We have recently revised this article with details on 2020 website hosting prices to help you remain up-to-date on this niche.90006 90010 90005 90012 How much does it cost to host a website? 90013 If you self-host the cost can range from $ 1,100 to $ 3,800 initially, which includes not just the actual hosting, but domain, security, web development, maintenance and, for ecommerce, payment processing. The cheaper alternative is to get a hosting provider, the cost of which depends on the provider, which we’ve spelled out in this guide. 90006 90005 90006 90005 You’re a startup and want your own business website or ecommerce site, and you’re wondering — how much does it cost to host a website in 2020? First, you have to understand how to put your site online, and you have three options for this: 90006 90019 90020 90012 Hosting Services 90013 — the most common type where you «rent» space from the servers of web hosting providers such as HostGator or InMotion Hosting.90023 90020 90012 Hosted Platforms 90013 — create your online business, store, or blog on platforms with built-in hosting such as WordPress, Wix, or Shopify. 90023 90020 90012 Host Your Own 90013 — a self-hosted website where you take care of everything. 90023 90032 90005 Credits: Webbiquity.com 90006 90005 Whatever option you choose, it will cost you something, even on free hosted platforms such as extra bandwidth or storage space. Hosting a website, especially a business or ecommerce site, involves a lot of things.You have to ensure that your site loads fast because one study showed that almost half of web users are likely leave a site if it does not load within three seconds. And to think that 8 out of 10 American are now online shoppers, you need to make sure that your website is responsive to take advantage of the trend and get more customers buying from your site. 90006 90005 The aforementioned and many other things essential to a business website such as uptime, reliability, security, site management, online payment and order processing capability, scalability, bandwidth, and storage capacity, are often taken cared of by hosting services or hosted platforms .90006 90005 The question of how much does it cost to host a website in 2020 will largely depend on the features and functions you’ll require from the numerous hosting providers available out there. If you’re a small company this handy guide on the top 20 web hosting services providers for small business is a good start to choose the right provider. 90006 90003 What if You Self-Hosted? 90004 90005 You can opt for a self-hosted platform, although this is not something that’s advisable for a starting business because of the costs and the challenges.90006 90003 90012 Costs 90013 90004 90005 The National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB), a grouping of 350,000 small businesses in the U.S., gives a general costing: 90006 90051 90020 Domain name registration: $ 10- $ 15 / year 90023 90020 SSL certificate (for site security and trustworthiness): $ 70- $ 300 / year 90023 90020 Hosting (you’ll still need to rent a server from hosting companies to house your website): $ 40- $ 200 / year 90023 90020 Content delivery network: $ 50- $ 250 / year 90023 90020 Development tools and templates: $ 100- $ 200 90023 90020 Design (includes page layouts and graphic design): $ 400- $ 1,600 90023 90020 Development (coding the markup and scripting): $ 600- $ 2,000 90023 90020 Maintenance (depends on how well-designed the site is): $ 400- $ 1,800 / year 90023 90020 Payment processing (higher percentage of sales means a lower monthly fixed charge): $ 0- $ 250 / year 90023 90070 90005 90012 Total: 90013 $ 1,100 to $ 3,800 initially.And you have to set aside $ 600 to $ 2,800 per year for maintenance and optimization. 90006 90003 90012 Challenges 90077 90013 90004 90005 The above cost estimates assume that you outsource some of the work because you can not possibly handle everything yourself especially when it comes to technical, security, and maintenance aspects. If you go the DIY route, you’ll be responsible for monitoring your server, doing regular backups and updates, and all other maintenance to make sure that your system is in tip top shape and running smoothly.Anytime you experience bugs and breakdowns, you’ll have to undertake troubleshooting yourself. 90006 90005 If you are an ecommerce or online store, this area is something that needs utmost care and consideration. The safety of your online business is in your hands, and these include PCI (Payment Card Industry) compliance and SSL certification aside from ensuring that you have in place robust security measures such as spam and DDoS protection, firewalls, network security, and secure storage , among others.90006 90005 How much does it cost to host a website in 2020? For a startup or small business, the cost and challenges and many other factors could be too big to undertake and may end up more expensive. Furthermore, you’ll be consuming lots of precious time that should instead be devoted to your business. That is why for small growing businesses and even for established ones, getting hosting services is a popular choice for reasons enumerated below. 90006 90003 Benefits of Getting a Web Hosting Provider 90004 90005 Jut to compare, let’s have a look at what InMotion Hosting offers with their dedicated server plan.90006 90005 Essential Plan — $ 99.99 / month 90006 90051 90020 Intel Xeon Server 90023 90020 3.4GHz Turbo 90023 90020 8GB DDR3 RAM 90023 90020 RAID Technology 90023 90020 6TB data transfer 90023 90020 500GB SSD (20x faster than HDD) 90023 90020 5 Free IPs included 90023 90020 2 Free hours of managed hosting 90023 90020 Free cPanel & WHM 90023 90020 Free third-party SSLs 90023 90020 Free 1-to-1 Sysadmin time 90023 90020 No setup fee 90023 90020 99.999% net uptime 90023 90020 Zero downtime migration 90023 90020 Rebootless upgrades 90023 90020 Redundant bandwidth 90023 90020 Multi-layer defense 90023 90020 Quick WordPress installs 90023 90020 Multi-channel 24/7/365 global customer support 90023 90020 Many other included features 90023 90070 90005 90012 Total: 90013 $ 1,199 / year 90006 90005 While many do indeed hosts websites on their own, these are more on the level of personal blogs, community forums, or trade and craft sites requiring less bandwidth, storage or maintenance.For heavier business website operations that need several critical things working smoothly, hosting services will do the work for you and provide 90012 benefits that significantly outweigh the costs 90013. Here’s a rundown: 90006 90003 90012 Reduced Operating Costs 90013 90004 90005 Depending on your budget and requirements, your website can reside on shared-hosting servers, virtual private servers, or dedicated servers. The hosting service will provide you the bandwidth and storage you need, guaranteed uptime, updates and maintenance without site disruption, help in data migration, safety and security, site building and editing, personalization and customization, branding options, integration and add-ons, technical support, and many others.In other words, they’ll do the heavy lifting so you can concentrate on growing your business. 90006 90005 Monthly subscriptions plans and prices can range from $ 10 and below to $ 100 and up, with choices in between. Many offer generous discounts and even freebies when you opt for straight 12-month plans. Our detailed list of top 20 web companies of 2020 will introduce you to some of the leading hosting providers today and their offerings. If you think about it, you’ll realize lower operating costs and better savings in the long run with a fixed monthly plan price that contains the features you need.90006 90003 90012 Reliable Servers 90013 90004 90005 A web hosting service will provide you reliable servers in sophisticated data centers. You’ll be guaranteed 99.99% uptime, the latest high-end hardware and software, round-the-clock network monitoring, automatic backups and updates, and regular maintenance. What this means is that your website will be open and accessible all the time and will be loading fast. It also ensures that servers housing your website will be free of irregularities or potential issues and that any errors no matter how small will be detected and attended to before they become big problems.These are areas vital to your business that must be up and running smoothly 24/7. 90006 90003 90012 Web Security 90013 90004 90005 In relation to dependable servers, hosting services will make sure that your website is safe and secure. They will employ automatic updates, security audits, virus and malware scans, spam filtering, firewall configurations, DDoS protection, and other network / web security protocols. These are added security aside from the safeguards that you install on your website such as passwords, two-level authentication, and user level permissions.You can also have a secured, centralized cloud location where you can store and manage all your files and documents. Moreover, some hosting services tuck in free or affordable domain name registration and SSL certificate, the latter for extra data safety especially if your website processes and accepts online payments. 90006 90003 90012 Dependable Support 90013 90004 90005 Another thing you can rely on with hosting services which you do not have if you self-host is customer support. This can come in many forms — an online customer portal that contains troubleshooting solutions; a knowledge center on the hosting provider’s website that consists of tutorial videos, how-to guides, FAQs, webinars, and other helpful resources; ticket system; phone or live chat; and email support.These support services are often available 24/7 giving you anytime access to the provider’s help desk team, technical personnel, and resource database. If you’re self-hosting, you’ll have to find solutions on your own when problems crop up and you’re website in down. With hosting services, any hint of a problem and you can have dependable support to turn to. 90006 90003 90012 Other Included Features 90013 90004 90005 Web hosting services usually include many helpful features in their plans such as website builder and editor with built-in themes, layout templates, and image gallery so you can quickly create professional-looking websites; website admin and email management tools; DNS management; and integration with or easy migration to content management platforms such as WordPress, Drupal or Joomla or with ecommerce platforms such as Shopify or Magento.Also normally offered are backups and disaster recovery; affiliate programs with credit or cash rewards for referrals; ability to monetize content on Google or Bing; partnership with dozens of app and plugins useful for your business; and more. Getting all these features separately while self-hosting may not be feasible. Even if it is, it may be cost-prohibitive. 90006 90003 Examples of Web Hosting Services 90004 90005 There are several web hosting services available today that you would be hard put to find the best one to match your needs.We’ll help you on that by giving you the top five hosting providers in our database. If you need more details, just click on the link provided for a more thorough review of each service. 90006 90003 90012 InMotion Hosting 90013 90004 90005 90006 90005 InMotion Hosting is a popular and highly-rated web hosting service that offers fast web hosting, secure servers, and easy set up. It is ideal for developing and growing business since it is scalable and makes the transition to a different package seamless.The provider utilizes PCI-compliant data servers and invests regularly in new technology, ensuring that you have the latest hardware and software to power your website. Among other things, InMotion Hosting offers shared hosting, VPS hosting, and dedicated servers; affordable hosting packages for small to medium-sized businesses; SSH and eCommerce hosting; cPanel Education Channel for tutorials and articles including FAQs; and hosting for well-known content management systems such as WordPress, Joomla, Moodle, OpenCart, and PrestaShop.90006 90005 For more information on their services you can visit InMotion Hosting website. 90006 90003 InMotion Hosting 90004 90005 Try out InMotion Hosting with their free trial 90006 90005 90012 What it will cost you: 90013 From $ 5.99 / month for shared business hosting to $ 99.99 / month for dedicated servers with five low-cost plans that you can choose from. There are also higher-end custom pricing for special requirements and specs. 90006 90003 90012 Hostinger 90013 90004 90005 90006 90005 Catering to over 29 million customers across 39 countries, Hostinger delivers one of the fastest and most reliable hosting servers at affordable prices. It offers a 99.99% uptime guarantee alongside an average of 70-80 ms load speeds for optimal performance and unimpeded online operations.Despite it’s cheap web hosting pricing options, Hostinger does not skimp on functionalities and essential tools as users are given access to exceptional round-the-clock customer support, daily / weekly backups, free domain, and others. 90006 90003 Hostinger 90004 90005 Try out Hostinger with their free trial 90006 90005 90012 What it will cost you: 90013 $ 0.80 / month for its single shared hosting option nets you a domain, one email account, 100GB bandwidth, and 10GB SSD space. It also includes some essentials and benefits such as weekly backups, one-click installer, file manager, round-the-clock customer support, and more. Meanwhile, pricing starts at $ 3.95 / month for VPS hosting and $ 12.98 for dedicated servers. 90006 90003 90012 Hostwinds 90013 90004 90003 90004 90005 90006 90005 Hostwinds is a solid web hosting provider for it offers shared web hosting, business hosting, Linux VPS, Windows VPS, and dedicated servers with 99.999% guaranteed uptime. It’s a top choice for it also caters to other essential web hosting needs like domain registration, provision of SSL certificates, and 24/7 maintenance. Hostwinds also offers cloud server packages that can be set up in less than a minute. It has two data centers with natural cooling systems and a redundant A + B power source that allow it to provide failsafe features and mechanisms to its users. Hostwinds is a leading web hosting company that has been in the business for almost a decade.It boasts of its 24/7 customer support to local and international users. The company is confident with the quality of its service for it even offers a 60-day money back guarantee for all users who will find themselves not satisfied after two months of giving their services a try. In addition, its two data centers have 24/7 armed security, recorded video surveillance, and check-in stations. 90006 90005 90012 What it will cost you: 90013 Hostwinds and its services are available for as low as $ 3.29 / month. The price range and package rate increases depending on features and tools added. Dedicated servers are offered for as lows as $ 67.50 / month. 90006 90003 90012 HostGator 90013 90004 90005 90006 90005 HostGator is a powerful hosting solution that is currently the choice of over nine million users. It specializes in website, VPS hosting and dedicated services and offers some of the most affordable cloud-hosting packages around. It guarantees two times faster performance and four times enhanced scalability; in other words, it is built for speed.HostGator is also known for providing a streamlined hosting experience, as a support team is there to assist you round-the-clock and ensure 99.9% uptime. It boasts of power back-ups, fire detection and constant monitoring to keep its 12,000 servers safe and secure; 10 different fiber providers, including hardware from Time Warner and AT & T; RSS feed for service status updates; as well as partnership with technology providers Cisco, AT & T and Dell. 90006 90005 90012 What it will cost you: 90013 Lowest plan starts at $ 4.95 / month while at the other end for dedicated servers go for $ 119 / month. In between, two other budget-friendly plans are offered. 90006 90003 90012 GoDaddy Hosting 90013 90004 90005 90006 90005 GoDaddy is the grand daddy of hosting, presently serving more than 17 million users and supporting 72 million domains worldwide. It is the largest domain name hub and hosting service provider, and is well noted for its secure servers. GoDaddy is also known for its focus on the corporate community as well as affordable SSL certificates that guarantee the safety of each user’s data.Aside from a solid and established reputation, it offers website, business, WordPress, VPS, and dedicated hosting; a hands-on website builder for novice users; business-friendly .store domains; user control over their websites; and 24/7/365 support and professional assistance. 90006 90005 90012 What it will cost you: 90013 Starts at $ 64.50 / month and the prices go up depending on server specs, hosting type, and features. 90006 90003 90012 Bluehost 90013 90004 90005 90006 90005 Bluehost powers over two million websites worldwide through its robust and cloud solutions.It features an easy to use interface, low pricing plans free domain and site builder, and dedicated 1-click installer for WordPress users. In fact, WordPress.org recommends Bluehost as its number one provider for easy installation and management. Bluehost offers cloud, VPS and shared hosting, dedicated services, and reseller hosting, all of which comes with 24/7 support. It utilizes 100% in-house services with its own fiber connections, data centers, and custom Linux kernel operating on custom-built servers.It is likewise recommended for PHP applications that require lightweight CMS installs such as Joomla and Drupal. 90006 90005 90259 What it will cost you: 90260 $ 2.95 / month for shared hosting while dedicated server plans are pegged at $ 119.99 / month. 90006 90003 90012 iPage 90013 90004 90005 90006 90005 iPage serves multiple geographies, offers standard cloud and WordPress hosting, and sells exclusive domains for teams that need marketing and placement services. Aside from business packages, the provider also provides intuitive, code-free website management process ideal for personal, non-profit, and social brand websites.The eco-friendly hosting company uses wind energy to power its servers, offices, and data centers. It offers overall uptime of 99.84%; VDeck cPanel for eCommerce services, website and email management; free domain registration; unlimited email accounts; unmetered bandwidth and disk space; and constant monitoring of your data. 90006 90005 90259 What it will cost you: 90260 $ 1.99 / month for the Essential plan and $ 199.99 / month for the Enterprise plan, with five other plans in between. 90006 90003 90012 Web Werks Data Centers 90013 90004 90005 90006 90005 Web Werks Data Centers provides web hosting services at prices that will not break the bank.With a 99.995% uptime guarantee, this provider ensures uninterrupted services and reliable Tier IV data centers. It provides exceptional round-the-clock customer support as well, in case users encounter any issues or need assistance. Web Werks Data Centers provides more than hosting packages, offering email hosting, disaster recovery, enterprise storage servers, and colocation services, among others. This web hosting service provider is used by a number of notable international brands including Bacardi, Canon, HP, TATA, Sunsilk, and more.90006 90005 90259 What it will cost you: 90260 Dedicated servers start fro ₹ 3,900 / month, while VPS hosting starts from ₹ 1,625 / month. 90006 90003 90012 Host Mayo 90013 90004 90005 90006 90005 Host Mayo marries quality hosting solutions with with affordable pricing plans. Equipped with all the web hosting essentials to meet one’s unique needs, Host Mayo pairs cutting edge technology and reliable servers alongside wallet-friendly pricing packages to ensure everyone can pick a suitable option.This provider supports popular control panels for top quality tools, MariaDB Database for reliable SQL server, pure SSD for faster speeds, and a 100% uptime. Basically, users will have a good and smooth user experience with Host Mayo without worrying about being plagued with server downtimes. 90006 90005 90012 What it will cost you: 90013 Price starts from $ 1 / month for the Pure SSD Web Hosting Starter plan, $ 2.50 / month for VPS, and $ 30 / month for dedicated servers. 90006 90003 Conclusion 90012 90077 90013 90004 90005 You can only boost your rankings and improve your profits if you have a fast and responsive website that visitors and customers alike enjoy going to and navigating.A reliable web hosting service is largely responsible for that. A speedy, well-designed and maintained, and secure website will spell the difference between visitors staying or leaving your site in a matter of seconds. And that will impact on your conversion rate, sales, and revenue. Web hosting services provides you cost-effective options, and could be your way to better profits down the road. 90006 90305 By Jenny Chang 90306 90005 Senior writer at FinancesOnline who writes about a wide range of SaaS and B2B products, including trends and issues on e-commerce, accounting and customer service software.She’s also covered a wide range of topics in business, science, and technology for websites in the U.S., Australia and Singapore, keeping tabs on edge tech like 3D printed health monitoring tattoos and SpaceX’s exploration plans. 90006 .90000 WordPress Pricing — How Much to Build a Website 90001 90002 WordPress is the most popular & fully functional content management system, or CMS, that allows users of all levels of expertise to launch and manage a website. For those without site development training and expertise, WordPress can be installed with «one-click,» and customized from a host’s control panel with any of the thousands of premium and free themes available from WordPress itself and a long list of third-party developers .And, for site owners with web design and development experience, WordPress also allows for advanced customization and control. 90003 90004 WordPress Pricing: Costs for Setting Up a Website 90005 90002 Since WordPress is free to download the cost of building a WordPress website comes from setting the site up, using plugins & themes that are not free & any design cost that are incurred if not building it yourself. 90003 90002 90009 Components Needed to Build a WordPress Site that Incur Cost 90010 90003 90012 90013 Domain Name 90014 90013 WordPress Hosting Plan 90014 90013 Themes 90014 90013 Plugins 90014 90013 Website Security & Protection 90014 90023 90004 Purchasing a Domain Name 90005 90002 Already know what domain name you want to buy but have not purchased it yet? You are in luck because there are companies like Bluehost where you can buy your domain name and set up hosting at the same time.90003 90002 The hard part about buying a domain is choosing which one to use after that it’s easy. The average domain name typically costs around $ 14.99 but can vary depending on the name, domain extension, and the length of time you buy it for. 90003 90004 WordPress Hosting Cost: The Different Types of Hosting Plans Available 90005 90002 WordPress can be used in so many different hosting environments, the price for WordPress hosting can range from less than $ 5 per month for shared hosting to several hundred dollars for fully managed hosting.Between those two extremes lies a variety of hosting packages offering varying combinations of services and customer support, so that there is a hosting price to suit the needs of users ranging from personal bloggers to large corporations. 90003 90002 Bluehost offers the following WordPress Hosting options: 90003 90012 90013 Shared WordPress Hosting — Basic, Plus & Choice Plus 90014 90013 WP Pro: Managed WordPress Hosting — Build, Grow & Scale 90014 90013 eCommerce — Start, Plus, & Pro 90014 90023 90004 WordPress Hosting Options 90005 90002 WordPress’s versatility and flexibility make it possible to include WordPress in hosting environments of all kinds — and to allow for a range of hosting packages and prices to meet a wide range of user needs.90003 90002 90009 Shared WordPress Hosting — Affordable Options for Small Sites 90010 90003 90002 A shared WordPress hosting solution is not for everyone. In this kind of hosting environment, a site powered by WordPress shares space on a common server used by hundreds, or potentially thousands, of sites using not only WordPress but also the many other available site builders. This allows providers to offer a basic plan at very low prices. For users who want more features than the basic low cost service can offer, some shared WordPress hosting providers may also offer tiered service packages for higher prices.90003 90012 90013 Cost — with hosting prices that can start as low as $ 3- $ 5 / month per month on initial promotions to standard rates around $ 20 / month 90014 90013 Site Speed - all sites on a shared server have to share the server’s resources equally, a site that uses more of those resources can cause neighboring sites to run slowly. 90014 90013 Security — security measures may be skimpy and poorly implemented, too. 90014 90013 Support — the lack of WordPress specific features and support can also mean that users are not likely to get assistance from the support team for WordPress related problems.90014 90023 90002 But, for smaller sites and new users who are establishing an online presence, shared WordPress hosting can be an affordable and convenient option. 90003 90002 90009 Managed WordPress Hosting — More Features at Higher Prices 90010 90003 90002 Some hosting providers offer WordPress hosting exclusively, with a long list of optional features that can be combined to create customized packages that can meet the needs of larger, more complex sites. This kind of managed WordPress hosting is optimized to support all the features of WordPress design and development.90003 90012 90013 Cost — as low as $ 19.99 / month to $ 60 / month depending on needs and features 90014 90013 Site Speed - websites load faster and can accommodate higher traffic volumes than typical shared hosting environments that distribute server resources over a much larger number of sites running on different platforms available through the host. 90014 90013 Security — includes enhanced security features for protection against both general and WordPress-specific threats. Security monitoring, upgrades, and patches are carried out automatically by the web host as part of the dedicated hosting contract 90014 90013 Support — technical and customer support representatives are specialists, specifically trained to offer in-depth solutions to users ‘questions and concerns.90014 90013 Management Services — Depending on the level of service, this kind of web host can also take complete ownership of managing the site, which includes handling all technical and maintenance issues such as upgrades and site security monitoring. 90014 90023 90002 90009 eCommerce Hosting Plans 90010 90003 90002 Building an online store? No problem! The most popular online store platform that is supported by WordPress is WooCommerce. Most hosting providers will allow the option to pick a WordPress hosting plan that will automatically include WooCommerce.90003 90002 WooCommerce allows you to manage products & shipping, take secure payments, and build your site to your businesses needs. 90003 90012 90013 Cost — as low as $ 7 / month to $ 32 / month 90014 90023 90004 A Price to Suit Every WordPress Website 90005 90002 The spectrum of available WordPress hosting options not only allows new users to establish an online presence but also provides scalable solutions for growth over time. From low-cost shared hosting of a free WordPress install to fully managed hosting that includes enhanced security and WordPress specific optimization, there’s a WordPress hosting solution that can fit just about any budget.90003 90004 Themes 90005 90002 Once you have installed WordPress, it is time to start designing your site. WordPress offers several free theme templates but you also have the option to upgrade to the premium templates. Premium themes offer more features and do cost extra. It all depends on the needs of your business or website that is being created. 90003 90002 Premium themes typically offer more customization options, are higher quality and offer more security features. 90003 90004 Plugins 90005 90002 Certain features that most businesses use require the use of a plugin.Some include but not limited to forms, photo galleries, and optimization plugins. Some popular plugins that people pay for include: 90003 90012 90013 WooCommerce (eCommerce) 90014 90013 WP Rocket (Site speed) 90014 90013 WP Forms Pro (Forms) 90014 90013 OptiMonster (Lead Generation) 90014 90013 Elementor Pro (Page Builder) 90014 90013 Sucuri (Website Security) 90014 90023 90004 Website Security 90005 90002 If you purchased your domain and hosting plan from the same provider, a free SSL certificate might have been included.This will help keep your site secure and will display your web address with HTTPS in front of the URL. This protects the connection between the user’s computer and the site. 90003 90002 If an SSL certificate was not part of your package, then it is highly recommended to purchase one in order to keep your site secure. You can also add extra security with plugins. One of the most popular security plugins is Sucuri and WordFence. 90003 90002 90009 Choose Your WordPress Hosting Plan & Getting Started Building Your Website Today! 90010 90003 90134 Share this: 90135 90012 90013 90014 90139 90023 90134 Like this: 90135 90002 Like Loading… 90003 90002 90134 90147 Related 90148 90135 90003.90000 How Much Does it Cost to Make an App in 2020 90001 90002 Please Log In to leave a comment 90003 90004 90005 Leave review 90006 90005 Products 90006 90005 Services 90006 90011 90004 90005 Contact Us 90006 90005 Blog 90006 90005 For Reviewers 90006 90005 Get Listed 90006 90005 Site Index 90006 90005 90006 90011 90026 Search 90027 Get $$$ for review 90026 Latest In Category 90027.