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DOC, Microsoft Word Binary File Format (.doc)
Используемый текстовыми редакторами на компьютерах формат DOC (Document) прочно ассоциируется с программой Microsoft Word. Изначально этот формат представлял собой простой текст, однако в настоящее время пользователи могут вставлять в файлы DOC гиперссылки, изображения, менять поля, выравнивание и т.п. При своем создании файлы DOC покрывали все нужны пользователей, связанные с редактированием…
Что такое DOC?
PDF, Portable Document Format (.pdf)
PDF — портативный формат документов (Portable Document Format), разработанный Adobe. PDF-файлы трансформируют документ в фиксированный макет, похожий на изображение, который сохраняет свой формат во всех программах, на всех устройствах и операционных системах. Это позволяет пользователю интегрировать в единый документ различные изображения, шрифты и текстовые форматы (иногда содержащие…
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Документ Microsoft Word
DOC ― это расширение файлов для документов текстового редактора. Оно связано преимущественно с приложением Microsoft Word. Файлы DOC также могут содержать графики, таблицы, видео, изображения, звуки и диаграммы. Этот формат поддерживается почти всеми операционными системами.
Портативный формат документов
PDF ― это формат электронных документов, разработанный Adobe Systems с использованием некоторых функций языка PostScript. Официальная программа для просмотра документов в этом формате ― это Adobe Reader. Чаще всего PDF-файл представляет собой сочетание текста с растровой и векторной графикой, текстовыми формами, скриптами, написанными на JavaScript, а также иными элементами.
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Выберите файлы Перетащите файлы сюда. 100 MB максимальный размер файла или РегистрацияМы преобразовали 571,356,116 файлов общим размером 9,335 ТБ
Конвертировать в PDFПортативный формат документов
PDF ― это формат электронных документов, разработанный Adobe Systems с использованием некоторых функций языка PostScript. Официальная программа для просмотра документов в этом формате ― это Adobe Reader. Чаще всего PDF-файл представляет собой сочетание текста с растровой и векторной графикой, текстовыми формами, скриптами, написанными на JavaScript, а также иными элементами.
больше информации Конвертер DOCXdocx
Microsoft Office Open XML
С 2007 года Microsoft начал использовать формат файла docx, созданный с использованием формата Office Open XML. Этот формат представляет собой сжатый файл, содержащий текст в форме XML, графики и иные данные, которые могут быть преобразованы в битовые последовательность при помощи защищенных патентами двоичных форматов. Поначалу предполагалось, что этот формат заменит формат doc, но оба формата все еще используются по сегодняшний день.
больше информацииКак сконвертировать PDF в DOCX
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90000 PDF to Word Converter — Convert PDF to DOC Online 90001 90002 Online PDF to Word Converter 90003 90004 Today more and more people prefer storing their documents on computers or smartphones instead of keeping a number of bulky papers on a desk. With the help of scanning facility you can easily create PDFs. There are a lot of benefits in using digital documentation, especially in this format. It is versatile and ensure the safety of your files as you can protect them with a password.However, in some cases you may need to use some other features, for instance from Word. In this article you will find all the pros and cons of the above-mentioned formats as well as tips how to find the best tool to convert your PDF. 90005 90002 Dos and Donts of PDF 90003 90004 During the last couple of decades it is one of the most popular formats with the users. The reason is that it can offer numerous benefits. First of all it can be opened almost on any device without installing an additional software.The main advantage is that it always retains its formatting. It means that recipients will get the same file as you see no matter they will open it on a computer or a smartphone. As such files are unalterable, usually you can not delete or type some text on them. Correcting mistakes or errors is also almost impossible without converting your PDF. As technologies are constantly developing, today we have various online tools that will help you to change your file format. Find below some useful tips according to which you can choose the best converter for your needs.90005 90002 How to Pick the Best Converter? 90003 90004 We offer you to take advantage of online services for making Word from PDF as they are very user-friendly and most of them can be applied for free. Forget about any downloads of additional applications and constant updates of desktop tools. Digital converting solutions require just a few steps to get a desired result: 90005 90014 90015 find a specific service on the internet; 90016 90015 upload a form you need to transform; 90016 90015 after clicking the «Start now» button get it processed; 90016 90015 save a newly created file to your device or cloud storage.90016 90023 90004 When there is a necessity to complete, sign or otherwise handle our document, we’re very likely to refer to the solution that would provide us with the most suitable set of features. The good thing is, the industry offers a wide selection of proposals, so we are absolutely free to try any pdf to word converter online at any taste. 90005 90026 Here is an example of how to make a contract using the digital platform: 90027 90028 90015 In almost any situation, you have to enter the website that contains the pdf to word converter online to start with.90016 90015 As soon as we’re there, export the file you would like to work on by uploading it from a gadget, account in the cloud storage or drag and drop it. 90016 90015 Once the uploading is completed, you’ll be able to do the job inside the PDF editor. 90016 90015 Incorporate your personal details into your form and doublecheck its precision. 90016 90015 Include fillable fields for your recipients. Each kind of field is intended for separate information. 90016 90015 Redact text, add checkmarks and annotations.The entire set of features depends upon the pdf to word converter online you select. 90016 90015 Press Sign in order to put your signature. You may type it, draw, upload from the gadget or capture using your web camera. 90016 90015 To distribute the form when it’s all set, hit the Done button. 90016 90015 Share the finished document via email, create a signing link, fax it or maybe deliver via USPS. 90016 90047 90004 Electronic solutions offer various chances to turn piles of paperwork into a breeze.Find the pdf to word converter online most effortless one for yourself and automate your workflow. This kind of online platforms are designed to save your time and energy and make your document management much easier. 90005.90000 PDF to Word Converter — 100% Free 90001 90002 Convert your PDF file into editable word documents with the best PDF to Word converter. Preserve the PDF files ‘fonts, paragraphs, lists, tables, and columns in the Word output. You can then edit the word document, extract its contents and republish in PDF as a new document. You do not need to register, login or give us your contact information. We delete your PDF and Word files shortly after you have downloaded it. 90003 90004 90005 Here’s how you easily convert PDF to Word 90006 90007 90008 Click on the «Upload a File to Convert» button.90009 90008 Then select a PDF file and click Open. 90009 90008 Wait till the PDF is converted to Word. That’s it! 90009 90014 90002 I had a pretty important personal tax form in PDF I needed to edit and zero resources (including money) to make it happen. 90016 Your online PDF to Word service was a blessing !! 90017 Thank you very much for having this up and available! «- Neil Harris 90003 90002 90016 This is the Best PDF to Word Converter! 90017 It’s a very good application — thank you very much for your product.»- Chafik Youceff 90003 90002 It is a Fantastic Product. I love the product! It gave 90016 Perfectly formatted PDF to Word conversion. 90017 «- Gwendoline Huret 90003 90016 It has the Best handling of PDF tables. 90017 The Word almost always gives a faithful rendition of the original PDF. (5/5) ** Excellent ** — FreewareGenius Pick (Read) 90002 I can not speak for anyone else nor their needs, but PDF to Word Online did exactly what I thought was impossible: The Word file 90016 retained all PDF formatting 90017 !!! ESPECIALLY on this one particular document, I needed to convert.Seriously, even the spaces at the end of each line were preserved and not converted into a line break nor paragraph break in the Word output. So, thank you, thank you! «- Megami 90003 90002 Your PDF to Word converter has 90016 saved me hours of re-typing and styling 90017. «- Stu 90003 .90000 How to Convert Word to an Editable PDF Form | Small Business 90001 90002 By Steven Melendez Updated January 14, 2019 90003 90002 If you have a Microsoft Word document that you would like to turn into a digitally fillable form, you have a number of options available. You can create a fillable form in Word itself, so that other people can fill out the form without editing the underlying document. You can also use Adobe Acrobat and other PDF tools to convert a Word document to an editable form that anyone with PDF-compatible software can fill out.Online tools for collecting document responses and signatures can also generate fillable forms for things like contracts that you can then distribute. 90003 90006 Understanding Fillable Form Technology 90007 90002 Ordinarily if you create a form for something like a survey or a contract as a Word document and send it to someone, you run the risk that they will accidentally or intentionally alter the document before filling it out and sending it back. This can be an issue if people have not signed and completed the forms that you expect.90003 90002 An alternative is to send an image or uneditable PDF of a form, or even a paper copy. You can then ask people to fill it out by hand and mail it back, fax it to you or scan it and email back the completed form. This can be unwieldy, though, and requires your recipient to either have a printer and scanner or for you to wait for postal mail delivery. 90003 90002 An alternative is to use digital tools to create a form that someone can fill out on a computer and smart phone and send back to you digitally.If you’re going to be using the form to collect signatures or agreements, make sure you’re legally compliant with whatever requirements are in place in your area for legally binding digital signatures. If the form collects any kind of sensitive information, make sure you’re collecting and storing it in a way that preserves people’s privacy and complies with the law. You may not be able to use email to collect some sensitive information for this reason. 90003 90014 Creating a Fillable PDF 90007 90002 Use Adobe Acrobat or other PDF editing software to create a fillable PDF.Create a Word document and save it in Word, then open Acrobat. Click the «Tools» menu and click «Prepare Form.» Select the Word file to import. Acrobat will detect potential form fields and add them automatically, but you can use the tools in the right editing pane to adjust them, delete them or add new form fields. When you’re done, you can save the form and send it to other people to fill out. 90003 90002 You can also use Acrobat to distribute the form, emailing it to people and collecting their responses in your inbox or through a system such as Microsoft SharePoint.Click the «Distribute» button, select how you want to receive the responses and click «Continue.» Enter the recipient addresses or select them from your address book. Select «Collect Name & Email from Recipients To Provide Optimal Tracking,» if you want information about who’s received and filed out the form, or leave it blank to keep things anonymous. 90003 90020 Create Form in Word 90007 90002 You can also create a fillable form in Word itself that other people can fill out using Word.You must have the «Developer» tab visible in Word. To show it, click the «File» tab, then click «Options» and «Customize Ribbon.» Under «Main tabs,» select «Developer» and click «OK.» 90003 90002 Then, create a new document. If you want to use an existing Word form template, you can use the «Search online templates» option in the Word New Document menu to find one that fits your needs. 90003 90002 Once the document is created, use the options on the Developer tab to add form fields in Word.For example, you can insert a «Rich Text Content Control» for people to enter text or create drop-down menus and check boxes. Add text to the form as well to tell people what to enter where. 90003 90002 After the form is created as you want, protect it from other people editing it by selecting all the form elements and text, clicking «Restrict Editing» in the Developer tab. Then click «Yes, Start Enforcing Restrictions.» Email or otherwise distribute the form to its recipients to fill out, and then have them send it back to you.90003.90000 How to Make a PDF Document 90001 90002 The Portable Document Format, or PDF, was developed by Adobe Systems and has become the industry standard for document sharing. A PDF document is an exact replica of the original document, whether it’s a word-processing or text file, graphical drawing, photo, map, or even video. And it can be password protected so that access to features like editing and printing are restricted [source: Adobe]. 90003 90002 In order to create and view a PDF, you must have the proper software installed.The most well-known PDF-creation software is Adobe Acrobat. Although you must purchase this software, Adobe offers a free PDF viewer called Adobe Reader, which you can download from their Web site. 90003 90002 In addition, several good third-party PDF applications can downloaded for free. Some of these can covert PDFs back into the original documents. Some products, such as Microsoft Office 2007, have built-in PDF converters. Here’s how to convert an MS Word document into a PDF in MS Word 2007: Додати 90003 90008 90009 Click the 90010 Office 90011 button.90012 90009 Move the mouse pointer over the arrow next to the 90010 Save As 90011 button and select 90010 PDF or XPS 90011. 90012 90009 Type a name for the PDF in the 90010 File Name 90011 box or select one from the list of files. 90012 90009 Choose PDF in the 90010 Save as type 90011 drop down list. 90012 90009 Select 90010 Open file after publishing 90011 to open the new PDF after it has been created and saved. This option is only available if your computer has an installed PDF reader.90012 90009 Choose 90010 Standard (publishing online and printing) 90011 or 90010 Minimum size (publishing online) 90011 under 90010 Optimize for 90011, depending on whether or not you want better print quality or lower file size, respectively. 90012 90009 Click 90010 Options 90011 and set the appropriate print options. 90012 90009 Click 90010 OK 90011. 90012 90009 Click 90010 Publish 90011 to start the PDF creation process. If you need to make any corrections or changes to the PDF, make them to the original Word document and then create a new PDF document [source: Microsoft Office].90012 90051 .